Linux-Misc Digest #420, Volume #24               Wed, 10 May 00 02:13:03 EDT

  ftp and scp (Neil Zanella)
  Re: named fails to start on RH Linux ("David ..")
  Re: Keyboard probs with RH 6.2 (John Hasler)
  Re: Uninstalling Lilo (John Hasler)
  Re: where does filesize get set? ("Lonni J. Friedman")
  From Linux BACK to Win 98SE (Jeff W.)
  Re: German Govt says Microsoft a security risk (Christopher Browne)
  Re: Linux behaving like Windows (Eric Taylor)
  recommendation for Dynamic DNS service? ($[EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: where does filesize get set? ("Shawn Beckwith")
  LAN card WTF (MrJack)
  Re: Linux and Windows98 partitions ("Jim Ross")
  Re: Uninstalling Lilo ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: CTL ALT +/- No longer works. (Prasanth Kumar)
  Re: Haunted Hard Drive (Prasanth Kumar)
  Re: new / partition (Prasanth Kumar)
  Re: LAN card WTF ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Linux Users' Group of Davis, May 15 - Linux and Scientific Comp'ing (William 
  Re: LAN card WTF (Timothy J. Lee)
  Re: Can I use DiskImage to back up linux. (Richard Steiner)
  Re: Can I use DiskImage to back up linux. (Richard Steiner)


From: Neil Zanella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ftp and scp
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 01:40:39 -0230


Is there a better way than scp to ftp files using
the scure shell protocol. That is, it would be nice
if there were a program that worked just like ftp
but used the scp protocol. The problem with scp is
that it's not interactive. I like to be able to
see the directories at the other site when transfering
files. Does anyone know of such a nifty ssh-based application?




From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.protocols.tcp-ip,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: named fails to start on RH Linux
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 23:03:16 -0500

Ramon F Herrera wrote:
> I have a couple of Linux servers, one running Red Hat Linux
> 6.0, and the other 6.1.  They are primary DNS servers in their
> respective domains.
> For some reason, every time I reboot them, everything
> gets started properly except 'named', which needs to be
> started manually after every reboot.
> I have looked in the log files but there is no
> indication for this failure to execute the DNS
> daemon at boot time.
> Is this problem happening to other people or is
> it only me?
> How can I fix this?
> -Ramon

As root give the command "/usr/sbin/setup" in an xterm or at the command
line, then choose "system services"  and "Run tool" and then place an
asterisk next to named. Quit and the next reboot it should start

Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Keyboard probs with RH 6.2
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 03:06:43 GMT

Shawn Beckwith writes:
> Any ideas before I blow the OS away and reload?

Why do that when you can just reinstall xdm?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Uninstalling Lilo
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 03:02:42 GMT

Eric writes:
> I intalled lilo into the master boot record and want to remove it and put
> the original mbr in it's place.  How do I do that?  I'm ultimately trying
> to uninstall rh linux 6.1 all together.

If you still have Linux installed type 'lilo -u' as root.  That will
restore the original MBR.  It's all in the Lilo documentation.

After restoring the MBR (and before rebooting) use Linux fdisk to delete
the Linux partitions.

If you have already trashed Linux, DOS fdisk /mbr will install a Microsoft
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI


From: "Lonni J. Friedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: where does filesize get set?
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 23:33:57 -0400

Farid Hamjavar wrote:
> Greetings,
> % uname -a
> Linux hello22  2.2.13 #1 Thu Nov 18 13:44:49 MST 1999 i686 unknown
> % limit
> cputime         unlimited
> filesize        35000 kbytes
> datasize        unlimited
> stacksize       8192 kbytes
> coredumpsize    500 kbytes
> memoryuse       unlimited
> descriptors     1024
> memorylocked    unlimited
> maxproc         256
> I like to know where that 35000 filesize get set?

That's a current limitation of the linux kernel.


Subject: From Linux BACK to Win 98SE
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 04:30:05 GMT

I currently have Corel Linux OS on my laptop and I just don't like the way 
it works, I've had monitor problems, and a whole mess of things. I want to 
take it off completely and reinstall Win 98SE. Now, I have Win 2000 on my 
terminal and I don't know what kind of startup disk I'll need. Are there 
any suggestions on how to go back to 98 on the laptop??  Thanks in advance. 

Posted via CNET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christopher Browne)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: German Govt says Microsoft a security risk
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 04:50:41 GMT

Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Keith would say:
>>That was found out yesterday. Otto Schily's experts are
>>already busy looking into recommendations for the use of
>>so-called "Open Source" software like the free Linux operating
>>system. The new "Windows 2000" is also off-limits for
>>agencies because it comes with a built-in defragmentation
>>program called "Diskeeper" from a Scientology WISE
>>company, and there are fears that the militant sect could
>>secretly pass on network data by means of a Trojan Horse. 

It is unfortunate that the only visible claims in this regard appear to
come from c't, or in terms of quotes from c't.

That's not to say that c't is an utterly non-credible source, only that
it's rather nice to have multiple sources for claims about such things.

The assurances that the articles indicate that Microsoft provided
"assurances" that are really not so reassuring...

<,1294,33154,00.html> indicates:

In a letter to c't, the Church of Scientology accused the magazine of
inaccurate statements about Scientology and insisted that Executive
Software has no affiliation with the church.

And Microsoft spokesperson Mark Thomas said the technological concerns
raised by c't are unfounded.

"We've looked a this issue very carefully and there's really no issue for
people to be concerned about," Thomas said. The software is put through
rigorous review and it poses no data security threat to companies,
he said.

As to whether Microsoft could run afoul of Bavarian regulations on
Scientology, Thomas said he didn't see the connection. "[Windows 2000]
is not Executive Software's product. It's ours."

Claims by Microsoft that their products "pose no data security threat
to companies" are disproved on a daily basis every time another ILOVEYOU
variation passes through corporate networks.
I would rather be in the back of a car then a cdr.
                        -- Blackboard in 6.011 area


From: Eric Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Linux behaving like Windows
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 21:52:16 -0700

Calixto Melean wrote:
> thanks. It was a bad fan.
> "Sam E. Trenholme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:8fa58e$1mn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > >So, I am up to the point where I need to compile my modules, after
> entering
> > >"make modules", it starts compiling for about 3 or 4 minutes and then the
> > >machine hangs, no mouse no keyboard, frozen!, I wait for about 30min and
> > >nothing happens.
> >
> > This sounds like a hardware problem.  What kind of motherboard and
> > processor do you have, have you checked your RAM, etc?
> >
> > I suspect bad RAM myself.
> >
> > - Sam

Speaking of bad ram, is there a decent ram tester diag

I'm forever suspicious of my ram. I even bought ecc ram
at 40% more, and it did make my system quite stable.

When ram drops a bit only once an hour or so, 
you need a LOOOOONG run to detect this. Testing memory
would be a good use of the cpu when it is idle.
Hint Hint Hint....




Subject: recommendation for Dynamic DNS service?
Crossposted-To: calgary.general,comp.os.linux.networking
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 04:55:51 GMT

I'm looking for dynamic DNS service, and looking to do it on the cheap.  

I want to use  MY OWN domain name, ie "", not a subdomain like

Recommendations anyone?


                   Nothing is more expensive than regret

..........................................................................         [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Shawn Beckwith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: where does filesize get set?
Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 23:55:42 -0500

Could this be a Kernel setting?  What is your OS?

Farid Hamjavar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:8fajca$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Greetings,
> % uname -a
> Linux hello22  2.2.13 #1 Thu Nov 18 13:44:49 MST 1999 i686 unknown
> % limit
> cputime         unlimited
> filesize        35000 kbytes
> datasize        unlimited
> stacksize       8192 kbytes
> coredumpsize    500 kbytes
> memoryuse       unlimited
> descriptors     1024
> memorylocked    unlimited
> maxproc         256
> I like to know where that 35000 filesize get set?
> Following does not show where:
> find /etc /root /usr/include -type f -exec egrep 35000 {} \;
> I checked all shell-related config files inside /etc.
> Nothing in them related to limit setting.
> I did not set it interactivly either.
> Thanks,
> Farid


Subject: LAN card WTF
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 05:08:10 GMT


I have 2 LAN cards in my machine;
  D-LINK 528 PCI.

I'm on roadrunner, and have W98SR2 and Mandrake 7.0 (the beta)
on a dual boot machine.

OK, my Linux networking efforts have been hit and miss for a long
time now. Lots of the problem's ignorance. I think a lot is also
vagaries of DHCP. Sounds like a book title-

My specific problems AT THIS TIME are:

W98 can find and set up and I-networking runs just fine on
either card.

Linux, however, thinks the D-LINK 528 PCI is a RealTek 8029 PCI.
Linus does recognize the D-LINK 220P ISA properly, however,
it gives this card the same I/O and IRQ as the "RealTek". I have tried 
various settings in Lothar hardware setup, but none of them will work.

I have been on the Internet via Linux before, with the D-LINK 528,
but never with the 220P. I left the 220P in the machine, hoping to 
network to another machine I have. Never got that working yet.

When I boot into Linux now, I can not start eth0, and it's not listed in 
route or ifconfig. dhcpcd is installed and apparently running,
but when I try to set up eth0 via linuxconf, nothing happens.

What the hades can I do here, please??!

thank you,



From: "Jim Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Linux and Windows98 partitions
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 01:16:41 -0400

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> what sort of file system does Linux use?


 If win98 can read Linux
> partition, then
> doesn't it make Linux an insecure OS?

No.  Actually if you don't encrypt all data and lock up your Linux system in
Fort Knoxs, it the data can be accessed.
I feel the FBI wouldn't have any problems getting data from a
NT/Linux/OS/2/etc system.

 If I add another partition for Win
> NT,
> I don't think Linux can read NT partitions, cos' NT use NTFS. Then can
> NT
> read Linux?

Actually that's not true.
Even dos can read ntfs drives with a program called NTFSDOS.
Other copies of NT can read ntfs, along with linux, dos w/software, and a
few other OSes like BeOS I believe.

Conversely, I know of 2 programs for Windows that allows access to EXT2
One of those can write as well.

Permissions can be bypassed.  Therefore they are a poor way to obtain very
tight security.

Is NT an insecure OS since I can have read-only access to it with Linux or

Is NT an insecure OS since I can take the disk from your machine, put it in
mine which I am the administrator, and read your secret data?



Subject: Re: Uninstalling Lilo
Date: 10 May 2000 13:19:41 +0800

>                              Uninstalling Lilo
>   From: Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Reply to: Eric
>   Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 01:30:05 GMT
>   Organization: Posted via Supernews,
>   Newsgroups:
>          comp.os.linux.misc
>   Followup to: newsgroup(s)
>I intalled lilo into the master boot record and want to remove it and put
>the original mbr in it's place.  How do I do that?  I'm ultimately trying
>to uninstall rh linux 6.1 all together.  Thanks for any help!
>Posted via CNET

Boot using a DOS floppy, then
cd c:
fdisk /mbr


From: Prasanth Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: CTL ALT +/- No longer works.
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 05:21:30 GMT

Louis Gazave wrote:
> Help Anyone.
> I use to be able to change the resolution on the fly with the key
> combination CTL ALT + or -.
> Now I am no longer able to change the resolution.  Nothing happens.
> Please respond via email as well.
> Louis

This means that either the key combination was delibrerately disabled
in the XF86Config file or the list of valid modes was reduced down to

Prasanth Kumar


From: Prasanth Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Haunted Hard Drive
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 05:24:19 GMT

John Scudder wrote:
> At least once an evening while I am quiety reading mail, my hard drive
> starts thrashing around for no apparent reason for several minutes or
> more.  Then it stops on its own and is quiet for the rest of the
> evening.  Why is it doing this?  Do you think it is related to my swap
> file?
> I have SuSE 6.3,  64 M ram, 128 M swap file, and a 10 G SCSI hard drive.
> Thanks,
> John

It is usually a script scheduled to run automatically at some time of
the day
to do system maintainance. One of the things it does is rebuild the man
and the "locate" database. This involves reading the entire directory
Look in /etc/crontab for something like "updatedb".

Prasanth Kumar


From: Prasanth Kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: new / partition
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 05:26:01 GMT

Bob Cunius wrote:
> Hi,
>   My root partition is getting pretty full, so i decided that I wanted
> to move it to a new partition.  It was located on /dev/hdc3 and I
> created a partition /dev/hda6.  I then copied all files located on
> /dev/hdc3 excluding the /boot directory  -- that has a different mount
> point (cp -Rd [source] [dest]). I then changed the line in /etc/fstab on
> both partitions to mount mount /dev/hda6 instead of /dev/hc3.  I also
> changed lilo.conf on both disks to root = /dev/hda6.  When I went to
> boot /proc and /boot would not mount.  I fixed the /boot problem by
> adding an empty boot dir on my new partition.  I did the same for the
> proc mount point, but still proc will not mount.  What am I missing or
> doing wrong?  Oh and I'm using SuSE 6.3, kernel v. 2.2.13.
> Thanks,
> Bob Cunius
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

Why don't you provide the output of your /etc/fstab so a better analysis
can be made. Also does it make any error messages during boot?

Prasanth Kumar


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LAN card WTF
Date: 10 May 2000 05:22:19 GMT

MrJack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: I have 2 LAN cards in my machine;
:   D-LINK DE-220P PnP ISA
: and
:   D-LINK 528 PCI.


: I'm on roadrunner, and have W98SR2 and Mandrake 7.0 (the beta)

I have no idea what roadrunner is (or what W98SR2 is!).

: Linux, however, thinks the D-LINK 528 PCI is a RealTek 8029 PCI.

No it doesn't. O/Ss don't think. They do what they're told. If you
have a PCI card then just load the driver for it. It'll test to see if
the card it expects to drive is on the PCI bus, and drive it.

I find no mention of a 528 anywhere in the kernel sources or
documentation. Please print the contents of /proc/pci so we
can see how the device identifies itself. I can well believe
its a realtek chip.

: Linus does recognize the D-LINK 220P ISA properly, however,

There's no recognition involved. If its on the ISA bus and PnP,
then running pnpdump will tell us and you the way it identifies
itself and what configuration options it offers. Run isapnp
to set it up just the way you like (man isapnp). It's configurable.

: it gives this card the same I/O and IRQ as the "RealTek". I have tried 

Change it then. That's what isapnp is for! But clearly your bios
is at fault (modulo some items of info you haven't provided).



From: William Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux Users' Group of Davis, May 15 - Linux and Scientific Comp'ing
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 05:39:21 GMT

LUGOD, The Linux Users' Group of Davis, will hold its next meeting on:

  May 15, 2000

The meeting will be held at:

  Z-World, Inc.
  2900 Spafford Street
  Davis, CA 95616

The topic will be "LINUX FOR SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING," presented by Bill Saphir
of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Mr. Saphir will discuss the uses of the Linux Operating System for
scientific computing, and speak about computer clusters.

A "cluster" is a network of computers which are working together (usually
in parallel) on a complex computation (such as rendering a 3D image or
solving a mathematical problem).  A cluster of off-the-shelf desktop PCs
can cheaply attain the power of an expensive, monolithic supercomputer.

Mr. Saphir currently works at the National Energy Research Scientific
Computing Center at Lawrence Berkeley Labs, where he is group leader of
the Future Technologies Group.  He has given talks at a number of
supercomputing conferences, NASA Ames, and many computer users groups.

For details on this meeting, maps, directions, public transportation
schedules, etc., visit:

LUGOD is a non-profit organization dedicated to the Linux Operating
System which meets twice a month in Davis, CA.  Please visit our website
for details:




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Timothy J. Lee)
Subject: Re: LAN card WTF
Date: 10 May 2000 05:50:48 GMT
Reply-To: see-signature-for-email-address---junk-not-welcome

MrJack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
|I have 2 LAN cards in my machine;
|  D-LINK 528 PCI.
|Linux, however, thinks the D-LINK 528 PCI is a RealTek 8029 PCI.

Is your D-Link 528 an NE2000-like PCI card?  As it is listed as
a 10Mbit (instead of 10/100Mbit) card, it is very likely to be such
a thing, and the RealTek 8029 chip is commonly used on such cards
(it should say "8029" on one of the chips).

|Linus does recognize the D-LINK 220P ISA properly, however,
|it gives this card the same I/O and IRQ as the "RealTek". I have tried 
|various settings in Lothar hardware setup, but none of them will work.

Have you tried booting into DOS ( if you don't
have any other DOS) and using the DOS-based setup program for the
PnP ISA card to turn PnP off and set the IRQ and address to something
that does not conflict with anything else?

Timothy J. Lee                                                   timlee@
Unsolicited bulk or commercial email is not welcome.   
No warranty of any kind is provided with this message.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: Can I use DiskImage to back up linux.
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 00:53:46 -0500

Here in comp.os.linux.misc, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sam E. Trenholme)
spake unto us, saying:

>OK, my first question is why are you using a commercial, proprietary
>program like diskimage instead of a free, open program like 'dd',
>which Linux comes with.

If he already has a copy of the commercial tool and is familiar with
it, there's nothing at all wrong with using it.  IMhO.

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>--->  Bloomington, MN
      OS/2 + BeOS + Linux + Solaris + Win95 + WinNT4 + FreeBSD + DOS
       + VMWare + Fusion + vMac + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven! :-)
               Everything in excess!  Moderation is for monks.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: Can I use DiskImage to back up linux.
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 00:55:06 -0500

Here in comp.os.linux.misc, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thaddeus L. Olczyk)
spake unto us, saying:

>Something I like to do with Microshit software.
>Install OS on C: software on D:.
>After done installing, I backup disk images using PartitionMagic
>DiskImage to save both partitions.
>Can I also use this process on linux?

PQ's DriveImage works fine for me.  If DiskImage is similar, it may
work as well.  Try testing it on an unimportant installation.

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>--->  Bloomington, MN
      OS/2 + BeOS + Linux + Solaris + Win95 + WinNT4 + FreeBSD + DOS
       + VMWare + Fusion + vMac + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven! :-)
         Diplomacy: Saying "nice doggy" until you find a big rock.



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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