Linux-Misc Digest #377, Volume #25                Mon, 7 Aug 00 21:13:03 EDT

  Re: Putting 2GB into several CD's (Dirk Reckmann)
  Re: Help burning CDR (iso) image (Dirk Reckmann)
  installing freenet ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (John Hasler)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (blowfish)
  Re: UDMA IDE Drive stops network transfers (Dances With Crows)
  Mandrake ate my HD :( (Tim)
  Surfboard 1000 One-Way Setup (Kevin Brown)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (blowfish)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (blowfish)
  Re: Surfboard 1000 One-Way Setup (Akira Yamanita)
  Re: 3c59x using IRQ 0, how to change? (Akira Yamanita)
  Re: Should I build up an athlon box or buy an Imac DV? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to make a kernel for bootable CD-ROM (Frank Hahn)
  Re: Cannot guess host type (Jerry L. Boykin)
  Re: RPM crashes my Linux
  Re: INIT: Id "x" respawining too fast: disabled for 5 minutes -- and it  ("K. 
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (John Hasler)
  Re: /usr/sbin/nscd ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Netscape popups ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  initrd lilo option? (Peter Bismuti)
  X no like booting from HD, only from floppy (Peter Bismuti)
  Re: Mandrake ate my HD :( (E J)
  Re: Sound applications? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Intel Etherexpress Pro/10+ ISA problem (Peter Mitchell)
  i need help uninstalling redhat linux 6.2!!! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dirk Reckmann)
Subject: Re: Putting 2GB into several CD's
Date: 7 Aug 2000 23:03:54 GMT

Julio Gonzalez-At <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>1) Compress the files before writing
>2) Split the resulting strucutre into 650MB

This looks like you could need it:

- - - - - - from comp.os.linux.announce - - - - - -

Hi,   August 2, 2000

This is a file partitioner program.  It lets you split a file
into pieces and combine pieces back into 1.  It was rated a top
10 shareware program in a Japanese OS/2 magazine.

This program was originally written for OS/2.  I brought it
with me to Linux a little while ago but have not had time to
continue with it yet.  I thought I would put it out there
for people to look at and see what they think.

A few options do not work yet as I did not figure out how to
do them in Linux yet, like -p for prompt (it does not wait for
an answer to the question if I remember correctly).

Let me know what you think.  Let me know how you find it useful,
i.e. what you use it for.

Where to get it:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Maybe I'll need to write my
>own script ?

You could write 4 or 5 lines in a backup-script to

1) tar your hdd
2) gzip or bzip2 it
3) split it
4) burn it on CD's

Hope this helps.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dirk Reckmann)
Subject: Re: Help burning CDR (iso) image
Date: 7 Aug 2000 23:03:53 GMT

Patrick Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>run.  So, clue me in: how do you specify an image file to be used with

The same es you did: (from my history file)

cdrecord dev=0,1,0 speed=4 -v cd1.img

But I need to reload my burned data-CDs before I'm able to mount
them. I think this is a bug in my CD-writer. Have you tried this?



Subject: installing freenet
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 23:09:46 GMT

I have Red Hat.  I'm having trouble installing freenet.  I downloaded
everything, untared and unzipped and I don't know what to do now.  The
README file was pretty vague.  I'm a beginner, so please help.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 22:35:25 GMT

blowfish writes:
> I do have problems with free loaders, because their "free stuff" are
> partially supported by my tax dollars.

I guarantee you that none of my free software was supported by one penny of
your tax dollars.

Why do you as a tacpayer object to having access to the software that you
claim to have paid for anyway?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


From: blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ..
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 16:27:20 -0700

kristian ragndahl wrote:
> >>>>> "b" == blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     b> John Hasler wrote:
>     >> You know even less about accounting then you do about
>     >> copyright, and you have clearly never operated a business.
>     b> Those are the jobs of my attorney and tax accountant. That's
>     b> what they're for. ;-)
>     I guess they don't cost you anything since their services
>     are tax deductable?
Part of their services charges are tax deductable.

And I consider it money well spend if I don't have to deal with the

> --
> kristian ragndahl,

- Alex / blowfish.- Just an average, whimpy, non-geek American computer
  (Have Fun with geek's culture: Part-1.)
- If Vi is God's editor. Then, God must have too much free time on his
  lives a very dull and unproductive life; so he needs Vi to waste his
  But Vi was still too fast. So God created EMACS on the 8th day - which
  Eight Months to load, And Counting Still...
- The UN-GEEK CODE:(?What is a
  geek + vi | ~/emacs
  newbies + Windoz | C:\LOOKOUT
EXPRESS==>_the_horrors_the_horrrrrrrroOOOOORRRRRRRRRSSSSsssss!!! :-|
- My SAS (Sing-A-Song) Fingerprint Doe1(-a deer, a female
deer.) RaY2(- a drop of golden sun.)
  Me3(- A name, I call myself.) FAr4(- A long, long way to run.) Sew5(-A
needle pulling thread.)
  lA6(-A note to follow sew.) TeA7(-A drink with jam and bread.) That
will bring us back to DOe-oh-oh-oh...
  (c)Copyrighted by Alex / blowfish. 2000.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: UDMA IDE Drive stops network transfers
Date: 7 Aug 2000 23:32:40 GMT

On Mon, 07 Aug 2000 20:52:32 GMT, Stewart Honsberger wrote:
>On 7 Aug 2000 19:04:07 GMT, Dances With Crows wrote:
>>VIA MVP3 chipset w/VIA UDMA support enabled in kernel 2.2.16, hdparm
>>-u1 -c1 -m16 -d1 applied to both drives.
>I'm now using all of those settings. It appears as if my Sector Count was
>already set to the MaxMultSect value for both drives by default.
>>The figures are even better with the 2.4.x test kernels,
>My kernel version is in my .signature. I must say I'm quite impressed with
>the performance of these drives, if those figures are correct. I'm going
>to reccomend some of these settings to a friend running a UDMA66 drive and
>see what numbers he can come up with.
>>but overall performance is still worse with 2.4 thanks to the ongoing
>>VM problems.
>Oh? I've noticed snappier performance since switching to 2.4. Memory
>management appears to be much better, and disk cacheing is greatly
>"Ongoing VM problems"? Would you mind elaborating?

Between 2.3.99-pre3 and 2.4.0-test3, there were a number of problems
with the VM, specifically kswapd.  At certain points, it would start
hogging the entire CPU and not letting it go for what seemed like
eternity.  This was the result of some changes the developers made to
improve performance on machines with lots of physical RAM ( > 800M or
so.)  It was mentioned on Kernel Traffic, most specifically at but issue #77
had a few things about it as well.

The effect wasn't *really* noticable on my desktop system (K6-2 400MHz,
96M) but was on my laptop (P-150, 32M.)  As an example, starting
Netscape took 40s on the laptop using kernel 2.2.14, but 100s using
kernel 2.3.99-pre8.  2.4.0-test4 cut the time required to 60s, so things
were improving a bit... I'll have to try 2.4.0-test5 soon then.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /   Tyranny is always better organized     /    than freedom.
=============================/              ==Charles Peguy


Subject: Mandrake ate my HD :(
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 23:25:02 GMT

I'm used to Windows eating my Linux stuff, but this is new.

Here's the story:

Had a 4G HD with Win98, and a 1G HD with an old Red Hat.  Bought
a new 40G drive, so I move the Win stuff to it, and wanted to put
a newer Linux on the 4G, and throw the 1G on a shelf.  

Anyway, I got the 40G set up ok, and went to install Mandrake 
7.1 onto the 4G.  Everything went ok, until I tried to boot to
Windows, and it just kept cycling LILO.

Did a little research.  Turns out my 40G was too new for my
BIOS, and needed a program called EZDrive on my boot record
to use the drive properly.  Apparenly LILO lives in the same
place, on overwrote it.

Fine, so I put EZDrive back.  No dice, still can't boot.  Did
a sys c: next, and now the drive boots, but appears empty.  
Unformat chokes, and unerase finds <1% of my files.

Any ideas?



From: Kevin Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Surfboard 1000 One-Way Setup
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 23:40:02 GMT

I am using Adelphia powerlink service in Blacksburg, VA, which uses
the General Instruments Surfboard 1000 One-Way Cable Modem.  I would
really appreciate it if someone could tell me how to set it up and
connect it using linux (Mandrake or RedHat).

Kevin Brown


From: blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ..
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 16:42:37 -0700

John Hasler wrote:
> blowfish wrote:
> > Didn't you said that you made $25k from Debian...
> No.  I said I made $25k as a _result_ of having contributed to Debian.
Okay. It's indirect in a way. But you wouldn't have made that $25k if
you did not contribute to Debian.  So, Debian is acting as the

It's like you're a farmer.  You grow the crops, turned the wheat that
you grow into flour. Then some bakery, bought your flour, turned them
into bread, and sell the bread to the consumer, you never even know who
bought the bread, but the money the consumer paid for the bread at the
bakery, indirectly translated into yuor income.  Isn't it!?

So.  What difference does it made?  You're going through a middleman one
way or another.

Without Debian. You might not have made that $25k.

That $25k did not came from Debian directly.  But Debian sold your work
for you, and paid you that $25k as your reward.

> > But have you thought about where that $25k from Debian came from?
> I know exactly where it came from.  None of it came from Debian: Debian has
> no money.
> > Debian must be making money in order to pay people like you.
> Debian pays no one.  If you nderstood what Debian is you would know that.
I know what Debian is...

But even Debian's founder (forgot his name), I believe he just graduated
from MIT from what I've read a few days ago. He started a commercial
venture right away with vc. Nothing wrong with that. I guess he knew his
free-riding days are now over. Time to get down to REAL MONEY MAKING

> > Also. You did contradicted your own idea of *free software*,...
> I did no such thing.
> > ... as you have taken the money from Debian as a reward.
> I did no such thing, but even if I had I would have in no way contradicted
> my idea of free software (which I have written about here and elsewhere).
> > Isn't that your codes should be *FREE* as in money - free, unlike
> > non-GNU-GPL codes-which costs money, as in *FREE BEER* too!?
> Quite the contrary: software is not free if it cannot be sold.  Read the
> Debian Free Software Guidelines at

I don't use Debian anyway.

> --
> John Hasler
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
> Dancing Horse Hill
> Elmwood, WI

- Alex / blowfish.- Just an average, whimpy, non-geek American computer
  (Have Fun with geek's culture: Part-1.)
- If Vi is God's editor. Then, God must have too much free time on his
  lives a very dull and unproductive life; so he needs Vi to waste his
  But Vi was still too fast. So God created EMACS on the 8th day - which
  Eight Months to load, And Counting Still...
- The UN-GEEK CODE:(?What is a
  geek + vi | ~/emacs
  newbies + Windoz | C:\LOOKOUT
EXPRESS==>_the_horrors_the_horrrrrrrroOOOOORRRRRRRRRSSSSsssss!!! :-|
- My SAS (Sing-A-Song) Fingerprint Doe1(-a deer, a female
deer.) RaY2(- a drop of golden sun.)
  Me3(- A name, I call myself.) FAr4(- A long, long way to run.) Sew5(-A
needle pulling thread.)
  lA6(-A note to follow sew.) TeA7(-A drink with jam and bread.) That
will bring us back to DOe-oh-oh-oh...
  (c)Copyrighted by Alex / blowfish. 2000.


From: blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ..
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 16:45:49 -0700

John Hasler wrote:
> blowfish writes:
> > I do have problems with free loaders, because their "free stuff" are
> > partially supported by my tax dollars.
> I guarantee you that none of my free software was supported by one penny of
> your tax dollars.
Did I say that????????

> Why do you as a tacpayer object to having access to the software that you
> claim to have paid for anyway?


> --
> John Hasler
> Dancing Horse Hill
> Elmwood, Wisconsin

- Alex / blowfish.- Just an average, whimpy, non-geek American computer
  (Have Fun with geek's culture: Part-1.)
- If Vi is God's editor. Then, God must have too much free time on his
  lives a very dull and unproductive life; so he needs Vi to waste his
  But Vi was still too fast. So God created EMACS on the 8th day - which
  Eight Months to load, And Counting Still...
- The UN-GEEK CODE:(?What is a
  geek + vi | ~/emacs
  newbies + Windoz | C:\LOOKOUT
EXPRESS==>_the_horrors_the_horrrrrrrroOOOOORRRRRRRRRSSSSsssss!!! :-|
- My SAS (Sing-A-Song) Fingerprint Doe1(-a deer, a female
deer.) RaY2(- a drop of golden sun.)
  Me3(- A name, I call myself.) FAr4(- A long, long way to run.) Sew5(-A
needle pulling thread.)
  lA6(-A note to follow sew.) TeA7(-A drink with jam and bread.) That
will bring us back to DOe-oh-oh-oh...
  (c)Copyrighted by Alex / blowfish. 2000.


From: Akira Yamanita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Surfboard 1000 One-Way Setup
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 23:56:52 GMT

Kevin Brown wrote:
> I am using Adelphia powerlink service in Blacksburg, VA, which uses
> the General Instruments Surfboard 1000 One-Way Cable Modem.  I would
> really appreciate it if someone could tell me how to set it up and
> connect it using linux (Mandrake or RedHat).
> Thanks,
> Kevin Brown

Looking in the Cable Modem Providers HOWTO on
has this listed.


From: Akira Yamanita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 3c59x using IRQ 0, how to change?
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:03:22 GMT

Jason wrote:
> thanks!!! i also found it at
> ..
> thanks again!!!

No problem. I've been to the site but never to that particular
page. That will be handy to pass around to newbies. Thanks.


Subject: Re: Should I build up an athlon box or buy an Imac DV?
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:05:21 GMT

Mary P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I was thinking about an apple product I would wait until
> OS X comes out. (unless it already did while I was sleeping . . .)

Considering where this was posted, I'd hope they planned to run Linux/PPC
on it... :-)

I have an Athlon system, and it's great, but it's also noisy and hot. I'm
gonna try to get a replacement fan sometime, at least.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank Hahn)
Subject: Re: How to make a kernel for bootable CD-ROM
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:09:57 GMT

On Sun, 06 Aug 2000 07:20:34 -0500, Lloyd Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>Anybody have any tips, pointers to FAQ's, etc?  At this point, any clue
>would be appreciated....
This may or may not help but it was taken from the Slackware 7.1
disk which is bootable (at least on my system).  This is from the
README file in the /.eltorito/ directory:


To make a bootable Slackware CD, get into the top level Slackware directory
(The one with ChangeLog.txt in it) and issue a command like this to build
the ISO image in /tmp:

mkisofs -o /tmp/slack.iso -R -V "Slackware Install" -v -a \
-T -d -D -N \
-b .eltorito/eltorito.img \
-c .eltorito/eltorito.boot \
-A "Slackware Linux" .

(this command will create the '.eltorito/eltorito.boot' boot record)

The use 'cdrecord' to burn it.  (See 'man cdrecord')

  If you want to master/burn the ISO image under Windows, you're on your own.


Other than that, a search of may also prove beneficial.

Good luck.

Frank Hahn

Expect the worst, it's the least you can do.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jerry L. Boykin)
Subject: Re: Cannot guess host type
Date: 8 Aug 2000 00:23:32 GMT

check the readme files. they don't tell exactly how it is but use this format...

#./configure --host=i686, or what ever your processor type may be. you will find
that in the README or INSTALL file for the source code that you unpacked.

*  Jerry L. Boykin -  *
*          email - [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]       *
*  My thoughts in the world:                                           *
*  Thou shalt not pull the wool over mine eyes                         *


Subject: Re: RPM crashes my Linux
Date: 7 Aug 2000 23:18:36 GMT

David Konerding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Try reinstalling Gentus from scratch.  If that doesn't fix it, go to RH6.2.
: If that doesn't fix it, you likely have a hardware problem.

Boy if I had a dollar for every time I've done a complete reinstall of 
package X...

The trick is that since RPM is what crashes, doing installs are dicey at
best.  All the install programs use RPM, you know.  

So far only minimal installations work (possibly because they use RPM less?).
And upgrades to RH 6.2 or Mandrake 7.1 fail when it gets around to using RPM.

If RPM is the only software crashing my computer, how can it be a hardware bug?
I'm not being sarcastic.  I'd like to know.  I've ripped my hair out about the



From: "K. Posern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: INIT: Id "x" respawining too fast: disabled for 5 minutes -- and it 
Date: 8 Aug 2000 00:13:58 GMT


Dave Brondsema wrote:

> Now I get the following message after everything boots and starts (no
> problems):
> INIT: Id "x" respawining too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

something wrong with your /etc/inittab - but can not tell you what exactly
(perhaps post the inittab-file).

> so the windows system will automatically launch after
> everything boots???

This is done by putting the following two lines in your inittab (or
correcting an existing initdefault-entry to runlevel 3).

# default runlevel

Hope this helped.




From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2000 23:05:48 GMT

blowfish writes:
> So. You're agreeing that computer codes are not what normally consider as
> "speech" under real human terms, and should not be under the protection
> of Freedom of Speech. Right?

No.  Nor do the US Federal courts.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


Subject: Re: /usr/sbin/nscd
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 00:57:39 +0100

David Steuber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> did eloquently scribble:
> Does anybody know what this program is or what it does?  I don't seem
> to have docs on it.  If I don't need it, I don't want seven copies of
> it running.

IIRC, it's the "Name Server Caching Daemon".
It stores the names and IP addresses of things to avoid name server lookups
all the time... I think... 

|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |                                                 |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| "ARSE! GERLS!! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!"          |
|            in            | "THAT WOULD BE AN ECUMENICAL MATTER!...FECK!!!! |
|     Computer Science     | - Father Jack in "Father Ted"                   |


Subject: Re: Netscape popups
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 01:16:19 +0100

In comp.os.linux.misc JCA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>     This is not strictly Linux, but maybe somebody here knows
> the answer.

>     How does one get rid of popup windows in Netscape? 

Edit preferences->advanced 
disable Javascript

|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a    |
|                          | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| operating system originally  coded for a 4 bit |
|            in            |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that|
|     Computer Science     |        can't stand 1 bit of competition.       |


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti)
Subject: initrd lilo option?
Date: 8 Aug 2000 00:34:53 GMT

In my old lilo.conf file there is an option:


I can't find it in the man pages, what does it do?  Do I need it,
and if so where/how do I get the *.img file? 

Thanks again


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti)
Subject: X no like booting from HD, only from floppy
Date: 8 Aug 2000 00:31:46 GMT

I can boot my Linux machine now from either the floppy or the hard disk,
but when I boot from the hard disk something is wrong with the X server.
The image flickers and when I kill it it goes crazy.  There is an 
error message that is not readable except for the word "deleted" I believe. 

Anyone know what the problem is?  



Subject: Re: Mandrake ate my HD :(
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 17:42:46 -0700

EZ Drive lives on its own unique partition.  That is what linux fdisk
said, when I check it out.
I don't lilo likes to live on a EZ Drive partition.
Wasn't there a warning on EZ Drive, that it was going to erase/format
the entire harddisk when you are going to install it?
I seem to recall that when I installed on my Maxtor 11.5G hard drive.
Since you wiped out the 4G that originally held your windows stuff,  you
cannot use the Maxtor tools to recopy the information from the 4G to
40G.  I guess you are screwed.
This is the time to get out the backups.

Tim wrote:

> I'm used to Windows eating my Linux stuff, but this is new.
> Here's the story:
> Had a 4G HD with Win98, and a 1G HD with an old Red Hat.  Bought
> a new 40G drive, so I move the Win stuff to it, and wanted to put
> a newer Linux on the 4G, and throw the 1G on a shelf.
> Anyway, I got the 40G set up ok, and went to install Mandrake
> 7.1 onto the 4G.  Everything went ok, until I tried to boot to
> Windows, and it just kept cycling LILO.
> Did a little research.  Turns out my 40G was too new for my
> BIOS, and needed a program called EZDrive on my boot record
> to use the drive properly.  Apparenly LILO lives in the same
> place, on overwrote it.
> Fine, so I put EZDrive back.  No dice, still can't boot.  Did
> a sys c: next, and now the drive boots, but appears empty.
> Unformat chokes, and unerase finds <1% of my files.
> Any ideas?
> -T


Subject: Re: Sound applications?
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:54:31 GMT

Simon Lemieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was wondering if you knew some free sound application for recording sounds
> from a micro?  for distorting sounds, etc...

I had the devil of a time finding a working sound editor recently. I finally
settled on Electric Ears ( -- simple, but it
does most of what I want. Just don't try the "Crop" feature (use "Cut"
instead); it always crashes for me.

What I'm looking for right now is a program to concatenate sound files. Seems
so simple, but...


From: Peter Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Intel Etherexpress Pro/10+ ISA problem
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 17:39:08 -0700

I had problems with this card and RH5.2. I think it is
working now, but I don't know what I did to fix it!! Maybe
it was recompiling the kernel instead of using the kernel
from RH, or maybe something else.

For yours, is it possible that there is a resource conflict
that doesn't appear until you use something else?

Intermittent things can be hardware, too :(

Good luck.


* Sent from AltaVista Where you can also find related Web 
Pages, Images, Audios, Videos, News, and Shopping.  Smart is Beautiful


Subject: i need help uninstalling redhat linux 6.2!!!
Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 00:48:06 GMT

hello if anyone out there is using redhat linux 6.2 i need help
uninstalling it i've tried the command /sbin/lilo -u and it isn't
working it sais in the redhat install guide that it would store an
older version of lilo in a text file but it isn't working if anyone out
there knows any other way of uninstalling redhat linux 6.2 then email

Thanks deja member omega_666x and solo519!!!

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Before you buy.



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