Linux-Misc Digest #424, Volume #25               Sat, 12 Aug 00 17:13:01 EDT

  Re: Linux on AMD (Fred Nastos)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (blowfish)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (blowfish)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (blowfish)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (blowfish)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (blowfish)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (blowfish)
  Re: Anyone have info on how to setup a dial-in server (Stefan Soos)
  Can't view samba share (Chad Lemmen)
  Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship. (blowfish)
  Desktop publishing app (Dick Solomon)
  Re: Looking for a utility! ("D. C. & M. V. Sessions")
  Re: Desktop publishing app (Prasanth A. Kumar)
  Re: Changing LILO in Mandrake? (Jim Richardson)
  Re: Make Linux Vanish (Richard Steiner)
  Re: Allowing all users to access and write to a partition (Richard Steiner)
  Re: Linux on AMD (J Bland)
  Re: Desktop publishing app (J Bland)


From: Fred Nastos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Linux on AMD
Date: 12 Aug 2000 18:56:51 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc J Bland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2.2.14 has a serious security bug in it. This is why SuSE has released and
> update to the k_default.rpm package with a 2.2.16 kernel. Keep up with the
> security advisories.

Where can we do that? Is there a page where updates are posted? I looked
around for few, but found nothing recent. Thanks


From: blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ..
Crossposted-To: gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 12:22:08 -0700

> blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> did eloquently scribble:
> >> Do you deny that? Because source code has two purposes. Compile into
> >> computer executable code, and express the functions of the program in human
> >> readable form...
> >>
> > 00000000 486f 7720 6d61 6e79 206e 6f6e 2d67 6565
> > 00000010 6b20 6361 6e20 7265 6164 2074 6869 733f
> > 00000020 0a49 2064 6f6e 2774 206d 6561 6e20 7072
> > 00000030 6f67 7261 6d6d 6572 732e 2049 206d 6561
> > 00000040 6e20 7468 6520 6176 6572 6167 6520 636f
> > 00000050 6d70 7574 6572 2075 7365 7273 2e20 3b2d
> > 00000060 2900 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
> And now he doesn't appear to know what Source Code is...
More words of wisdom from another free-loader (GNUed-GPLed humanoid using

What difference does it made?  It's just to illustrate a point.

To the average real human beings at large. Source code is as readable as what I've
put up here. ;-)
> --
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | "Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?"   |
> |Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|                                                 |
> |            in            | "I think so brain, but this time, you control   |
> |     Computer Science     |  the Encounter suit, and I'll do the voice..."  |
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- Alex / blowfish.- Just an average, whimpy, non-geek American computer
  user. (Have Fun with geek's culture:Part 2.4.test.pre.release-1234567.)
- Don't fear the Duck.  Resistance is futile. Eat your duck soup.
- World Domination:60% now serveing Duck a l'Orange with
  free side order of duck soup.
- Official Duck a l'orange Counter Registration:
  (c)Copyrighted by Alex / blowfish. 2000. All Rights Reserved.


From: blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ..
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,gnu.misc.discuss,
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 12:27:41 -0700

Johan Kullstam wrote:
> blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > John Hasler wrote:
> > >
> > > Andrew Halliwell writes to the blowfish:
> > > > Are you thick, or what?
> > >
> > > You can only play a fish for so long before you have to either gaff it or
> > > release it.  He's given some good sport, but he's getting tired now.  Let's
> > > let him go.
> >
> > 00000000 596f 7520 6172 6520 6a75 7374 2064 656e
> > 00000010 7969 6e67 2074 6865 2072 6561 6c69 7479
> > 00000020 2e20 556e 7769 6c6c 696e 6720 746f 2061
> > 00000030 6363 6570 7420 7468 6520 7472 7565 2e0a
> voltaire would defend your right to say this -- with his life if need be!
I wouldn't bet on it. He might defense it, but one show to the jury will make his
defense attempt a lot harder.
> > --
> > - Alex / blowfish.- Just an average, whimpy, non-geek American computer
> > user.
> >   (Have Fun with geek's culture: Part-1.)
> > --
> > - If Vi is God's editor. Then, God must have too much free time on his
> > hands,
> >   lives a very dull and unproductive life; so he needs Vi to waste his
> > time.
> >   But Vi was still too fast. So God created EMACS on the 8th day - which
> > takes
> >   Eight Months to load, And Counting Still...
> > - The UN-GEEK CODE:(?What is a
> > geek?)-#!?+++??++++|$????+++++?????+++!!!!???+++---
> >   geek + vi | ~/emacs
> > ==>ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!.......:P~
> >   newbies + Windoz | C:\LOOKOUT
> > EXPRESS==>_the_horrors_the_horrrrrrrroOOOOORRRRRRRRRSSSSsssss!!! :-|
> > - My SAS (Sing-A-Song) Fingerprint Doe1(-a deer, a female
> > deer.) RaY2(- a drop of golden sun.)
> >   Me3(- A name, I call myself.) FAr4(- A long, long way to run.) Sew5(-A
> > needle pulling thread.)
> >   lA6(-A note to follow sew.) TeA7(-A drink with jam and bread.) That
> > will bring us back to DOe-oh-oh-oh...
> >   (c)Copyrighted by Alex / blowfish. 2000.
> a masterpiece signature like this could use some ascii art.

I'll work on the ascii art later. Thankx. 

There're more to come on the .signature still. It's like all the kernel de jour of
the 2.4 kernel. :-)
> --
> J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
> Don't Fear the Penguin!

- Alex / blowfish.- Just an average, whimpy, non-geek American computer
  user. (Have Fun with geek's culture:Part 2.4.test.pre.release-1234567.)
- Don't fear the Duck.  Resistance is futile. Eat your duck soup.
- World Domination:60% now serveing Duck a l'Orange with
  free side order of duck soup.
- Official Duck a l'orange Counter Registration:
  (c)Copyrighted by Alex / blowfish. 2000. All Rights Reserved.


From: blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ..
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 12:31:00 -0700

NF Stevens wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jay Maynard) wrote:
> [snip]
> > You seek to deny me the right to control my own
> >work merely because it is an improvement on your work. This is not freedom.
> >It is communism.
> No, this is copyright law; as specifically enabled by the constitution
> of that bastion of anti-communism, the US of A.
> Norman

The GNU-GPL is communism. Not the copyright law.

The GNU-GPL wants to communalise everything.

So, the GNU-GPL groupies are the commies. ;-)

- Alex / blowfish.- Just an average, whimpy, non-geek American computer
  user. (Have Fun with geek's culture:Part 2.4.test.pre.release-1234567.)
- Don't fear the Duck.  Resistance is futile. Eat your duck soup.
- World Domination:60% now serveing Duck a l'Orange with
  free side order of duck soup.
- Official Duck a l'orange Counter Registration:
  (c)Copyrighted by Alex / blowfish. 2000. All Rights Reserved.


From: blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ..
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 12:33:50 -0700

> blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> did eloquently scribble:
> > So. You're hired hand for Debian. Or unofficial hired hand (or coder, if
> > you prefer.) No?
> It's rather traditional to be payed when someone hires you...
> When did Debian pay him anything?
Are you talking to me?

Did Mr. Hasler asked you to defend him?

I'm sure Mr. Hasler can handle the situation well without your "help."

Now, go back to your room and stay there and shut up. Or no dinner for you

> --
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | "I'm alive!!! I can touch! I can taste!         |
> |Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|  I can SMELL!!!  KRYTEN!!! Unpack Rachel and    |
> |            in            |  get out the puncture repair kit!"              |
> |     Computer Science     |     Arnold Judas Rimmer- Red Dwarf              |
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- Alex / blowfish.- Just an average, whimpy, non-geek American computer
  user. (Have Fun with geek's culture:Part 2.4.test.pre.release-1234567.)
- Don't fear the Duck.  Resistance is futile. Eat your duck soup.
- World Domination:60% now serveing Duck a l'Orange with
  free side order of duck soup.
- Official Duck a l'orange Counter Registration:
  (c)Copyrighted by Alex / blowfish. 2000. All Rights Reserved.


From: blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ..
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 12:35:25 -0700

> blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> did eloquently scribble:
> > John Hasler wrote:
> >>
> >> blowfish writes:
> >> > Anyway. You have sold your code for profit.
> >>
> >> For there to have been a sale there would have to have been a contract
> >> which obligated me to deliver the code and my customer to pay me.  None of
> >> my Debian work has involved such a contract (some of my other work has).
> >>
> > Then, please enlighten me in how to make $25k for no reason.
> He's already explained the VA Linux IPO!
> Are you thick, or what?
No. I'm just right.

But OTOH. You're too thin. ;-)

> > I don't mind to have that happen to me a few times a year. :-)
> >> > Because you know the whole idea of GNU-GPL, FSF and profit takings are
> >> > contradictory to one another.
> >>
> >> Wrong.
> > Right!
> No, wrong!
> --
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |                                                 |
> |Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| "ARSE! GERLS!! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!"          |
> |            in            | "THAT WOULD BE AN ECUMENICAL MATTER!...FECK!!!! |
> |     Computer Science     | - Father Jack in "Father Ted"                   |
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- Alex / blowfish.- Just an average, whimpy, non-geek American computer
  user. (Have Fun with geek's culture:Part 2.4.test.pre.release-1234567.)
- Don't fear the Duck.  Resistance is futile. Eat your duck soup.
- World Domination:60% now serveing Duck a l'Orange with
  free side order of duck soup.
- Official Duck a l'orange Counter Registration:
  (c)Copyrighted by Alex / blowfish. 2000. All Rights Reserved.


From: blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ..
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,gnu.misc.discuss,
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 12:39:34 -0700

Johan Kullstam wrote:
> blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > John Hasler wrote:
> > >
> > > Andrew Halliwell writes to the blowfish:
> > > > Are you thick, or what?
> > >
> > > You can only play a fish for so long before you have to either gaff it or
> > > release it.  He's given some good sport, but he's getting tired now.  Let's
> > > let him go.
> >
> > 00000000 596f 7520 6172 6520 6a75 7374 2064 656e
> > 00000010 7969 6e67 2074 6865 2072 6561 6c69 7479
> > 00000020 2e20 556e 7769 6c6c 696e 6720 746f 2061
> > 00000030 6363 6570 7420 7468 6520 7472 7565 2e0a
> voltaire would defend your right to say this -- with his life if need be!
> > --
> > - Alex / blowfish.- Just an average, whimpy, non-geek American computer
> > user.
> >   (Have Fun with geek's culture: Part-1.)
> > --
> > - If Vi is God's editor. Then, God must have too much free time on his
> > hands,
> >   lives a very dull and unproductive life; so he needs Vi to waste his
> > time.
> >   But Vi was still too fast. So God created EMACS on the 8th day - which
> > takes
> >   Eight Months to load, And Counting Still...
> > - The UN-GEEK CODE:(?What is a
> > geek?)-#!?+++??++++|$????+++++?????+++!!!!???+++---
> >   geek + vi | ~/emacs
> > ==>ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!.......:P~
> >   newbies + Windoz | C:\LOOKOUT
> > EXPRESS==>_the_horrors_the_horrrrrrrroOOOOORRRRRRRRRSSSSsssss!!! :-|
> > - My SAS (Sing-A-Song) Fingerprint Doe1(-a deer, a female
> > deer.) RaY2(- a drop of golden sun.)
> >   Me3(- A name, I call myself.) FAr4(- A long, long way to run.) Sew5(-A
> > needle pulling thread.)
> >   lA6(-A note to follow sew.) TeA7(-A drink with jam and bread.) That
> > will bring us back to DOe-oh-oh-oh...
> >   (c)Copyrighted by Alex / blowfish. 2000.
> a masterpiece signature like this could use some ascii art.
I am working on a Windoz version too. I've to tame it down a bit before I can
release it. The Windoz's port is *really* juicy! :P~
> --
> J o h a n  K u l l s t a m
> Don't Fear the Penguin!

- Alex / blowfish.- Just an average, whimpy, non-geek American computer
  user. (Have Fun with geek's culture:Part 2.4.test.pre.release-1234567.)
- Don't fear the Duck.  Resistance is futile. Eat your duck soup.
- World Domination:60% now serveing Duck a l'Orange with
  free side order of duck soup.
- Official Duck a l'orange Counter Registration:
  (c)Copyrighted by Alex / blowfish. 2000. All Rights Reserved.


From: Stefan Soos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Anyone have info on how to setup a dial-in server
Date: 12 Aug 2000 20:23:50 +0200



> Does anyone know where I can find documents on how to setup a dial-in
> server on Redhat 6.2

I recently found an info file about setting up a dialin server for ppp
and slip connections.

I don't remember where I got it from, but I could send it to you
via mail, if you want to.



Send mail with subject 'get gpgkey' to recieve gpg-public-key


From: Chad Lemmen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't view samba share
Date: 12 Aug 2000 19:14:43 GMT

I'm using Corel Linux.  If I connect to a Win98
share with smbclient it works find and I can
see all the files, but if I try and mount that
same share to a Linux directory with smbmount
and change to that directory in Linux the share is there,
but no files are visable.  If I create a file in 
that directory on Linux it does put it on the 
Win98 drive so I'm know I'm connected, but why 
can't I see any of the files?  The Win98 share
has 421 files in it and its size is 220 MB.
Is this the problem?



From: blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ..
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: FWD: Red Hat's CFO abandoning ship.
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 12:56:56 -0700

John Hasler wrote:
> Andrew Halliwell writes to the blowfish:
> > Are you thick, or what?
> You can only play a fish for so long before you have to either gaff it or
> release it.  He's given some good sport, but he's getting tired now.  Let's
> let him go.

I doubt it.  The fish is just getting stronger.

Maybe turning into Moby Dick!?

> --
> John Hasler
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
> Dancing Horse Hill
> Elmwood, WI

- Alex / blowfish.- Just an average, whimpy, non-geek American computer
  user. (Have Fun with geek's culture:Part 2.4.test.pre.release-1234567.)
- Don't fear the Duck.  Resistance is futile. Eat your duck soup.
- World Domination:60% now serveing Duck a l'Orange with
  free side order of duck soup.
- Official Duck a l'orange Counter Registration:
  (c)Copyrighted by Alex / blowfish. 2000. All Rights Reserved.


From: Dick Solomon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Desktop publishing app
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 20:14:52 GMT

does anybody know a good desktop publishing application for Linux?
Something like Pagemaker woul be nice.


From: "D. C. & M. V. Sessions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Looking for a utility!
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 13:21:37 -0700

John Reiser wrote:
> >     What utility can I use to search a file for all duplicate enrties? I
> > do not want to provide any input as I just want to see any and all
> > duplicate entries. I don't think grep can do this.
> /bin/sort ?  Or perhaps  /bin/sort | /usr/bin/uniq -c  ?
> [What is an "entry"?]

how about

/bin/sort $1 | /usr/bin/uniq -c | grep -v '^1[^0-9]'


| Bogus as it might seem, people, this really is a deliverable       |
| e-mail address.  Of course, there isn't REALLY a lumber cartel.    |
| There isn't really a tooth fairy, but whois works.  |
+----------- D. C. & M. V. Sessions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ----------+


Subject: Re: Desktop publishing app
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prasanth A. Kumar)
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 20:25:35 GMT

Dick Solomon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
> does anybody know a good desktop publishing application for Linux?
> Something like Pagemaker woul be nice.

Adobe has Framemaker on beta for Linux. I haven't tried it out myself
so am not sure of the quality or functionality:

There are other free programs of varying quality also like koffice and
klyx though they are more word processing than desktop publishing.

Prasanth Kumar


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Richardson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Changing LILO in Mandrake?
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 10:25:24 -0700

On 7 Aug 2000 03:43:51 -0500, 
 Tim Palmer, in the persona of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 brought forth the following words...:

>Jim Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>>On 31 Jul 2000 07:44:55 -0500, 
>> Tim Palmer, in the persona of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>> brought forth the following words...:
>>>Cap'n <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>>>>I'll admit I'm somewhat of a newbie to Mandrake Linux, 
>>>>and this is probably a stupid question...but, I need the 
>>>>I just installed Mandrake 7.1 on my system in a dual boot with 
>>>>Win98. My hard drive is in four partitions:
>>>>Partition 1:  Win98 system files (1.5 GB) - hdc1
>>>>Partition 2:  Win98 programs (8 GB) - hdc2
>>>>Partition 3:  Linux Swap (133 MB) - hdc6
>>>>Partition 4:  Linux Native: Mandrake Distro (2.3 GB) - hdc7
>>>>After I installed Mandrake and LILO, Linux is the first 
>>>>boot option and loads Mandrake after 10 seconds, 
>>>>unless I type Windows. I want to set it up so that Windows 
>>>>boots after 10 seconds, unless I type Linux.
>>>>What's the easiest way to change this in Mandrake? Or 
>>>>if someone could point me to a Mandrake HOWTO Web link 
>>>>for this, I would appreciate it.
>>>>*** The Cap'n ****
>>>Eddit a text fial and recompial kernal.  
>>Despite Tim's (poorly spelt) hyperbole, you can change the boot order in
>>one of 3 ways.
>>Edit /etc/lilo.conf to put the entry you want first in line and rerun lilo
>>Edit /etc/lilo.conf to add the line default=windows (or whatever the windows
>>entry is called) at the top of the file in the global variables section, 
>> and rerun lilo.
>>Or IIRC using Drake, the mandrake config tool, you can do this, but I don't 
>>use mandrake so I can't be sure there. 
>>Note that Tim was either incorrect, or simply lying about recompiling the
>One out of too aint bad. And you half to restart LILO. So mutch for never having to 

hmm, seems as if your attentions span is as awesome as your spelling skills
Tim, the whole point of the excersize was what happens on the next boot...
 Unless of course you think that rerunning lilo means you reboot? then I'd 
just have to add your knowledge of linux up there with your spelling...

Jim Richardson
        Anarchist, pagan and proud of it
        Linux, because life's too short for a buggy OS.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: Make Linux Vanish
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 14:44:38 -0500

Here in comp.os.linux.misc, "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
spake unto us, saying:


>: P.S. thank you very much for everyone baring with me on my NUMEROUS 
>: questions. linux cant detect a lot of my hardware and im having some 
>Linux doesn't detect any hardware. That is probably your conceptual
>mistake. You tell it what you have, by loading and configuring (and
>configuring to be loaded) the correct driver.

The installation routines for many common Linux distibutions (including
Red Hat and Mandrake) will automagically detect the presence of things
like network cards and SCSI controllers.

>Out of interest, what could this hardware be? Afaik every net card and
>video card in existence is supported by linux. My imagination is poor,
>so I can't think of anything else you might need! Maybe a mouse, but
>all mice use ps/2 or mm or ms serial protocol..

Sound cards and network cards are two hardware elements sometimes not
automatically installed.

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>--->  Bloomington, MN
      OS/2 + BeOS + Linux + Solaris + Win95 + WinNT4 + FreeBSD + DOS
       + VMWare + Fusion + vMac + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven! :-)
           MTV - why Johnny can't read, tie his shoes, or speak...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard Steiner)
Subject: Re: Allowing all users to access and write to a partition
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 14:33:31 -0500

Here in comp.os.linux.misc, Robert Clayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
spake unto us, saying:

>I think the number of pompous replies in here is really disgusting.

Unfortunately, the number of people who ask simple questions in this
newsgroup without doing any preliminary research is also high.

While I certainly agree that it's not a good thing to be pompous, it
is sometimes hard to see the same old obvious questions repeated day
after day after day.

People should be introduced to the search engine at as part of
the installation process.  :-)

   -Rich Steiner  >>>--->  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  >>>--->  Bloomington, MN
      OS/2 + BeOS + Linux + Solaris + Win95 + WinNT4 + FreeBSD + DOS
       + VMWare + Fusion + vMac + Executor = PC Hobbyist Heaven! :-)
               Circular Definition: see Definition, Circular.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Linux on AMD
Date: 12 Aug 2000 20:54:27 GMT

On 12 Aug 2000 18:56:51 GMT, Fred Nastos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In comp.os.linux.misc J Bland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 2.2.14 has a serious security bug in it. This is why SuSE has released and
>> update to the k_default.rpm package with a 2.2.16 kernel. Keep up with the
>> security advisories.
>Where can we do that? Is there a page where updates are posted? I looked
>around for few, but found nothing recent. Thanks

For SuSE you can check their website at

which also has information about joining their mailing lists for security
and general stuff.

For general non-distro specific information you can try

Places like can keep you up to date with general
security flaws as they become known which is where I usually spot these
things first.


John Bland MPhys(Hons) GradInstP  Webmaster and Sys Admin.      Condensed Matter Group
Email: j.bland at           Liverpool University
 "And it can suck a monkey through 30ft of garden hose!!"


Subject: Re: Desktop publishing app
Date: 12 Aug 2000 21:03:46 GMT

>> does anybody know a good desktop publishing application for Linux?
>> Something like Pagemaker woul be nice.
>Adobe has Framemaker on beta for Linux. I haven't tried it out myself
>so am not sure of the quality or functionality:
>There are other free programs of varying quality also like koffice and
>klyx though they are more word processing than desktop publishing.

KLyX for all its worth as a nicer frontend, is now miles behind LyX.

Both use LaTeX, for *Document Production*. Which isn't Word Processing, and
isn't Desktop Publishing. I think it lies between the two and for most stuff
people want to do, and is much better suited to it.

Anyone writing anything should look at LaTeX and/or LyX. It works, and it
works on pretty much every major (and most minor) platforms, is small,
portable, gives superior output has been a pretty much fixed format for at
least 6or7 years.

Unless you *actually* need Desktop Publishing it's the way to go. Otherwise
I can't say, I gave up on DTP ages ago; most stuff people do really doesn't
need such funtionality.


John Bland MPhys(Hons) GradInstP  Webmaster and Sys Admin.      Condensed Matter Group
Email: j.bland at           Liverpool University
 "And it can suck a monkey through 30ft of garden hose!!"



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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