Linux-Misc Digest #527, Volume #25               Tue, 22 Aug 00 17:13:02 EDT

  compiling with alternate library ("mrauscher")
  NTFS? (Yura Kovalenko)
  kernel panic & grub (Jeff Davis)
  Re: Problems uninstalling gtk+ ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: VM:  Killing process .... ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How to disable CTRL-ALT-DEL restart in console mode? (Tony Lawrence)
  Redhat Networking/DNS problem, please help ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: [Xpert] LILO (Roland Mainz)
  Re: MC pissed me off! (Davis Eric)
  Re: need serious help here... X hates me! (Scott Morgan)
  Re: Whats the best window manager? (lobotomy)
  Re: recommendation for first linux file encountered (Jeld The Dark Elf)
  Re: Open source Driver for Yamaha XG-SD (asage)
  Re: Best way to learn "real world" skills? ("Jason")
  TCP/IP networking problem and DLink NIC ("Gabe")


From: "mrauscher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: compiling with alternate library
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 13:09:27 -0700

I need to compile a utility on my RH6.2 (lib-2.1.3) box for a machine
running an older distribution that uses libc-2.0.7. I know I've seen a
description of how compile with an alternate library before, but can't
relocate it. Could someone point me to where the process is described -- or
just tell me if it's simple.



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: BIOS?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 19:57:00 GMT

Yes, I tried, but the drivers didn't help.

I didn't find the
"PnP-compatible OS installed" option in BIOS Setup. However, I found
"Sound" option in PCI. Should I turn it On or Off (it was Off) Neither
works, but I'd still like to know whether it is supposed to be On or



In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (noodlez) wrote:
> you *are* using the drivers @ ,
> right?
> On Tue, 22 Aug 2000 01:21:55 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I'm still struggling to get my Dell sound card (SB Live!) to work.
> >tried everything, and I'm now about to recompile the kernel (for the
> >first time in my life) Anyways, the sound card driver installation
> >instructions require, amoung other things, that
> ><quote>
> >"PnP-compatible OS installed" option in BIOS must be disabled.
> ></quote>
> >
> >What can I do to make sure this requirement is satisfied?
> >
> >Thanks a bunch!
> >
> >Wroot
> >
> >
> >Sent via
> >Before you buy.
> noodlez :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> PGP / GPG key downloadable @
>       Fingerprint: 0EE8 0DBB EB08 C472 2EA4  27C1 93AF 0484 9A40 9D9D

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From: Yura Kovalenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NTFS?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 20:11:48 GMT

I tried to mount my ntfs partion using : mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 etc..
gave me error that my kernel doesn't support NTFS.

Question #1:  Where to get this driver? Is it a must to recompile my
kernel? Isn't there modules available for ir? I really don't want to
toch my kernel.

Question #2: NTFS can be only Read in linux. No way to write.   Right or

 Thanks a lot!


From: Jeff Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: kernel panic & grub
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 20:11:54 GMT

I recently installed mandrake 7.1 on an old system (hardware problems
are definately possible, pentium 166 processor). It was working fine at
this point. I was messing with the modem (thanks to the people in this
group that gave me the help for that!) and I booted after putting the
modem in a different ISA slot. I got a weird error (lots of hex numbers,
while starting the at deamon), so I rebooted, at which point I got a
kernel panic.

I rebooted again, then I got a 'grub>' prompt instead of a screen to
choose my OS. I have no idea what to do here, I type help and i gives me
some things to do, but nothing I try does anything useful. I tried using
find to find a linux kernel somewhere, but no luck. I tried using
kernel, but it needs a file (I don't know where to point it, as far as I
can tell there is no filesystem loaded). I am pretty much lost.

By the way, I am using reiserfs, which may be relevent. Mandrake says it
is for 'enterprise systems', why would I not want to use it on a
'normal' system, if it is good enough for 'enterprise'?

Any help would be much appreciated. It would not be very bad to
reinstall, but I would much prefer to learn a better way to fix all my
problems with linux than a format :)

Jeff Davis


Subject: Re: Problems uninstalling gtk+
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 20:55:42 +0100

Stefan Viljoen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> did eloquently scribble:
> Hmm - I just found out yesterday that I need a newer version of GLIB - not
> gtk! Anyway, I downloaded this, did a "rpm --erase --nodeps glib" (since
> glib WAS an RPM app on my system), then I ./configure 'ed, make, make
> install. Only problem is now my X windows won't start. It says it wants the
> version 1.2 glib library file, which, of course, I had just removed. 

That's why I suggested just removing the config file...
Never remove libraries to install new libraries when the new library has a
new version number (1.3.x vs 1.2.x, etc). It'll break all kinds of things
that link to it...

All the glib-config and gtk-config files do is act as an aid to compiling by
reporting the locations of the libs and headers, the version number of the
most recent libs, etc...

So if you remove the old glib-config, ./configure will not find it, and will
compile fine, leaving the old libs intact.

(The libs always contain their version number in their names to avoid the
problem known in windows as DLL Hell)

Reinstall the original one, remove the glib-config file, and
./configure;make;make install

> I checked and a new glib library file with new version numbers does exist
> in my /usr/local/lib directory. So, clearly, all I need to do is get
> Xwindows to use the newly compiled and installed 1.3 GLIB library file
> instead of the old one.

Possibly not... Best to keep the old versions installed as well as the new
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|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)|  I can SMELL!!!  KRYTEN!!! Unpack Rachel and    |
|            in            |  get out the puncture repair kit!"              |
|     Computer Science     |     Arnold Judas Rimmer- Red Dwarf              |


Subject: Re: VM:  Killing process ....
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 21:03:03 +0100

Peter Alliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> did eloquently scribble:
> I seem to have a problem with my Mandrake 7.0 server today.

> It stated giving me the following messages

> VM:  Killing process sendmail
> VM:  Killing process named
> VM:  Killing process syslogd
> VM:  Killing process httpd
> VM:  Killing process ipop3d

> What does this mean and how do I fix it.

VM = Virtual Memory. the kernel ran out of REAL and Virtual memory, and
processes were still demanding more.

To survive this, the kernel goes into lifesaver mode and begins "reaping"
processes somewhat randomly in order to free memory so that it won't crash.
(I think the only process safe from reaping is probably init).

How to fix it?
1> Don't run more on your system than memory will allow.
2> find the software with the memory leak, kill it, and upgrade to a version
without that leak...
3> Buy more memory or add another swap partition.

> Peter

|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |                                                 |
|Andrew Halliwell BSc(hons)| "ARSE! GERLS!! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!"          |
|            in            | "THAT WOULD BE AN ECUMENICAL MATTER!...FECK!!!! |
|     Computer Science     | - Father Jack in "Father Ted"                   |


From: Tony Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to disable CTRL-ALT-DEL restart in console mode?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 16:18:47 -0400

Stefan Soos wrote:
> Tony Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi,
> > I don't see that behavior on my RedHat system; I just
> > changed it to do "date >> /tmp/this" (just so I could see
> > that it responded) and it keeps on adding to the file every
> > time I fat finger it.
> >
> > It maybe that your distro treats ctrl-alt-delete the same as
> > "once"; you might try issuing an "init q" and see if that
> > changes its mind..
> Well, it's something strange here. If I hit CAD it prints a message.
> After that I have to make an init u, otherweise the text won't be
> displayed again. After init u I can hit CAD, but the text will be
> displayed onyl once again.
> Any ideas?

"init -u" tells init to re-execute itself without reading
inittab, so (without looking at source) I'd guess that would
mean setting everything to ground-level state as though
nothing had ever been run - that, of course, doesn't un-do
anything that has been run, or is running (getty's), but if
it has the concept  that CAD should only be a one-time
thing, it would reset that.. just guessing, of course.

Tony Lawrence ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SCO/Linux articles, help, book reviews, tests, 
job listings and more :


Subject: Redhat Networking/DNS problem, please help
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 20:13:37 GMT

I have a strange network problem. The box is running Redhat 6.2, bind-
8.2.2_P5-9,'Server' install, intell based.  When 'named' is running I
cannot ping on IP address anywhere except the domain cofigured in the
zone file. If zone file is not present I just cannot ping anywhere on
I ran 'tcpdump'. When 'named' is not running, I get continuous flow of
packets. Shortly after I start 'named' the flow stops.
I am looking for ANY clues. Any suggestions on what should I check. Am
I having misconfigured network? My routing tables are perfect,
everything works fine until I start 'named'.
I have reinstalled redhat 6.2 several times. I even installed 6.1, with
all the same settings. It works perfectly well with 'named' running.
Please help! Write what ever comes up to you mind,

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From: Roland Mainz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Xpert] LILO
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 21:51:13 +0200

> David Arthur Barkan wrote:

> I just installed Windows ME,  so I Iost my LILO, and I don´t have any
> boot disks... what should I do?

1. This isn't a Linux-general mailinglist. This list is for Xfree86
(X11) only.
2. If I remember correctly SuSE has Boot floppy images on their FTP
server. If not, please ask in a Linux list or newsgroup (see follow-up).
3. You can boot with the SuSE CDs if your CDROM is bootable.



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 (;O/ \/ \O;) TEL +49 641 99-13193 FAX +49 641 99-41359


From: Davis Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: MC pissed me off!
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 20:23:43 GMT


It works fine with me. I am using Sun OS.

Did you "save" your configuration or just "ok" your configuration? It
should work.

Good luck.


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Yura Kovalenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi!
> Is it a well know bug that MC does never remmeber my setting to not to
> show Hidden files?
> I do save Setup and everything. But after couple of restarts, it's
> with all my home directory crawded with ugly dot files!
>  Any ideas?

I do not feel shameful if I was and am an idiot; I
will feel shameful if I haven't realized it.

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Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott Morgan)
Subject: Re: need serious help here... X hates me!
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 20:32:54 GMT

On 22 Aug 2000 19:15:48 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)

>On Tue, 22 Aug 2000 14:36:21 GMT, Scott Morgan wrote:
>>i have an SiS 6326 AGP card that doesnt seem to like xfree86 on redhat
>>6.1 when i start it up, it just gives me a black background ... it can
>>show the redhat logo if i start with XDM, but i only get text fields
>>if the cursor is active in them, and i only get buttons if i click on
>>it... AGP2x is disabled, everything else works fine, but i cant for
>>the life of me, get X to work :'(
>There have been so many problems with that card that it's just not
>funny.  Have you tried using Xfree86 3.3.6, since RH 6.1 shipped with
>3.3.5?  SiS cards are generally so cheap and nasty that I strongly
>advise people not to buy them.
i didnt buy it... it came with my box :o)
i also have a diamond fire gl 1k pro, but neither of my opsys's like
it... linux hangs while starting X, windows gives me a STOP error :o(
>>i also have an RTL 8029(as) as well as an ne2k(?) isa card  (basically
>>two ne2k clones, but one is isa and one is PCI)   can i just make a
>>copy of the module?
>>i need someone to walk me through this... 
>Huh?  Read the HOWTOs, don't rely on gurus, for gurus are not always
>going to be around to answer your questions, and *certainly* not in real
>time.  The relevant information is located at the Linux Documentation
>The 8029, since it's a PCI card, uses the ne2k-pci module, while the ISA
>card uses the ne module.  You would put the following lines in
>alias eth0 ne2k-pci
>alias eth1 ne
>options ne io=0xXXX irq=Y
>Replace XXX and Y with the I/O and IRQ values you've set the NE2000 to.
i looked at the howto's but didnt see anything for identical cards on
different interfaces/architectures ... maybe i just dont pay 'nuff

thanks a mill :o)

how about DSL modems?   i just signed up for freedsl and i dont wanna
be stuck with windoz ... any help?

/* Scott, the smell weasel master

i would include my geek code block, but im busy right now :P


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (lobotomy)
Subject: Re: Whats the best window manager?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 20:37:03 GMT


On Mon, 21 Aug 2000 16:11:37 GMT, "Database"

>Whats the best window manager?


From: Jeld The Dark Elf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: recommendation for first linux file encountered
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 20:32:30 GMT

Great idea. Post it to mandrake support at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is a general e-mail for submitting problems

In article <8nm9i4$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Dan Jacobson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a recommendation for first Linux file encountered by, say, a
windows user, e.g. the Readme file found on a Linux distribution
> CD: kindly in the headers of that file tell the user "incase you see
a bunch of jumbled text on your screen: [then proceed to give
> the] How to convert Unix end-of-line to Dos end-of-line under windows
method."  We wouldn't want this critical first impression to
> be like they opened so old garbled mess data file.   [E.g. Mandrake
7.0 Readme as viewed with notepad.  OK: tell them to try
> wordpad, etc. etc.]
> --
>  ... fix e-mail address to reply; ¿n¤¦¥§
> Tel:+886-4-5854780; starting in year 2001: +886-4-25854780

Good Luck.
Jeld the Dark Elf
Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter since nobody listens.

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Before you buy.


From: asage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Open source Driver for Yamaha XG-SD
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 16:45:53 -0400

This site may have the driver you are looking for.  I believe they
released Yamaha drivers in July.


Allison Sage


> hi,
>    i'm searching for a driver for my yamaha XG-SD sound card. i know
> there is a sharware driver available, but is there any open source
> driver available for this sound card? no matter even if it's a beta.
>   thank you.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


From: "Jason" <Jason(AT)>
Subject: Re: Best way to learn "real world" skills?
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 15:48:53 -0500

I learn the most when I tackle something with a project in mind.   You
already sound like you know what the boot camp will teach you if you managed
to install and network a flock of 486's, you just need an application now.
Get one of those boxs running a web server, get another running DNS, smack a
web based email client in there somewhere.  Get one of the boxs running
Samba and NFS, do some firewalling and ipmasq, play with NFS and sendmail.
In short, just think of something that you want to be able to do, not
something that you would like to learn. When you feel ok with all of that,
have some real fun and cluster those things. Nothing humbles a man like MPI.
I bought every book I could find (all 3 of them) on MySQL trying to learn
it, but didn't pick up nearly as much until I decided that I wanted to smack
all of my MP3's into a database.  Once I had a goal in mind, the rest came
pretty quick.   It's like the old saying, necessity is the mother of all
invention. I guess that applies to the learning process too.  And remember,
you know you are learning something in Linux when you realize just how
little you  know.


...and the geek shall inherit the earth...


From: "Gabe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: TCP/IP networking problem and DLink NIC
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 13:46:16 -0700


I've got an ISA PnP D-Link DE-220 NIC, and I've installed RH 5.2 (the only
version I have available). The setup procedure does not detect my card.
Using linuxconf I've set the appropriate IP, DNS, Gateway, I've set the
device to eth0, the kernel module to generic NE2000 and compatibles, but I
can't get on the Internet (errmsg: host lookup failed). So how do I get my
network card to work? Works fine with Windoze.

I am almost a complete newbie to Linux, at least as a personal operating
system, I've searched for documentation, but I can't find what I need.
Please help me get on the Internet with Linux, I've got other problems (like
X won't work with my ATI Rage Fury Pro AGP) but I'm sure I could solve those
with an OS upgrade, but I need to get online first!!!


P.S. Where can I find a *quick* vi tutorial?



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