Linux-Misc Digest #439, Volume #27               Sun, 25 Mar 01 05:13:02 EST

  Re: *Good* Office software for linux??? (Grant Edwards)
  Re: Best E-mail Client? (Grant Edwards)
  KDE ("John Spindler")
  Re: KDE (Dances With Crows)
  command to lowercase all file name in current directory ("kellyboy")
  Re: How to measure jitter? (stanislav shalunov)
  Re: command to lowercase all file name in current directory (Grant Edwards)
  Controlling access to portfw ("Support")
  Gnome installation question... (Elf Sternberg)
  iptables under 2.4.2 (Nick Traxler)
  Re: restricted bash shell question ("Eric Dennis")
  Newbie Question about GUI ("The R")
  Re: X die suddenly... (E J)
  Re: Palm handheld as Linux terminal (E J)
  Re: Newbie Question about GUI (raf)
  Re: Tandy Model 100 as linux terminal (Leonard Erickson)
  Re: programs mysteriously segfaulting and exiting (fred smith)
  ESS1888 sound chip plays sounds half the speed (*dh) (Daniel Hertrich)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: *Good* Office software for linux???
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 04:17:28 GMT

On 25 Mar 2001 02:49:46 GMT, Carl Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>The import filters aside, it's IMO definitely the best office
>>suite for Linux.  (Like I said, I haven't tried the new Corel
>>Office/Wine combo, but I don't have high hopes for it.)
>It's faster than StarOffice

My Grandmother is faster than StarOffice.  And she's been dead
for 10 years.  :o

>and has a better UI to my taste, but the implementation is so
>buggy as to make it unusable (for me).  Their port of
>PhotoPaint isn't half-bad, though.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Like I always
                                  at               say -- nothing can beat
                                 the BRATWURST here in


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Best E-mail Client?
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 04:21:12 GMT

On Sun, 25 Mar 2001 03:11:06 GMT, Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> >In a world with LaTeX, SGML and Texinfo, why do some people still
>> >insist on doing things the *HARD WAY*?
>> The LaTeX world sounds like rather hard work compared to WISIWIG.
>but things like ms-word are *not* WISIWIG.  there is a lot of
>formatting which changes font, margins &c.  all of this is invisible
>since you don't see it on the page.  it's lots of fun working around
>these unseen land mines.

Some of them are pretty severe.  A friend of mine spent a
couple days trying to get a drawing with cross-hatching to
print in a legible way -- it never did, even though it looked
fine on the screen.  Unless your printer has the same
resolution as your display, nothing is ever WYSIWYG.  The
original Mac had a 72 dpi display and 72 dpi dot-matrix
printer.  That was pretty close to WYSIWYG.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I want to so HAPPY,
                                  at               the VEINS in my neck STAND


From: "John Spindler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: KDE
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 22:22:30 -0600
Reply-To: "John Spindler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm new to linux and an having some basic problems with red hat 6 getting
out of KDE without logging off.  Any suggestions?

Also trying to install hitech C compiler.  Copied all the necessary files
into a directory but I don't understand how to get the program install from
KDE.  No luck with RPM

Any help will be appreciated.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: KDE
Date: 25 Mar 2001 05:30:39 GMT

On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 22:22:30 -0600, John Spindler staggered into the
Black Sun and said:
>I'm new to linux and an having some basic problems with red hat 6
>getting out of KDE without logging off.  Any suggestions?

More information, please.  And is this RedHat 6.0, 6.1, or 6.2?  Anyway,
under RedHat Linux, things work like so:  The machine starts up in
runlevel 5 (X enabled) and displays a graphical login window using gdm,
kdm, or xdm.  You specify a username, a password, and a preferred
session type (GNOME, KDE1, KDE2, fvwm2, fvwm95, blackbox, etc) and you
get that particular window manager/desktop environment until you log
out, at which point the xdm/kdm/gdm screen comes up again.  This is
normal behavior... what precisely do you want?

>Also trying to install hitech C compiler.  Copied all the necessary files
>into a directory but I don't understand how to get the program install from
>KDE.  No luck with RPM

Hitech C compiler?  Hoo boy.  What does it do that gcc doesn't do?  gcc
is the standard compiler under Linux; you shouldn't need anything else
unless you're doing something rather odd.  Anyway, if the file you're
trying to install is a .tar.gz file, do this:

tar xzf FILE.tar.gz
[[do what those files tell you to do]]


Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: "kellyboy" <kellyboy@nospanner>
Subject: command to lowercase all file name in current directory
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 23:38:29 -0600

What is bash command to  lowercase all file in current directory... ??

using :

mv FILE.TXT file.txt

how do I do that to *all* file in current directory??





From: stanislav shalunov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to measure jitter?
Date: 25 Mar 2001 00:36:15 -0500

Jitter is still being formally defined by IETF.

for current definition, which is at working group last call stage now.

It's trivial to write a Perl script of several lines to post-process
`tcpdump -tt' output to obtain IPDV.

P.S.: Your crossposting seems to be excessive.

Stanislav Shalunov    

Beware of Programmers who carry screwdrivers.    -- Leonard Brandwein


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grant Edwards)
Subject: Re: command to lowercase all file name in current directory
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 06:18:50 GMT

On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 23:38:29 -0600, kellyboy <kellyboy@nospanner> wrote:

>What is bash command to  lowercase all file in current directory... ??
>using :
>mv FILE.TXT file.txt
>how do I do that to *all* file in current directory??

 for f in *; do mv "$f" `echo "$f" | tr [A-Z] [a-z]`; done

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I will establish
                                  at               the first SHOPPING MALL in
                                 NUTLEY, New Jersey...


From: "Support" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Controlling access to portfw
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 16:22:15 +1000

I would appreciate information on allowing only
specific users access to port forwarding.
Is this information included as a part of the portfw string?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Elf Sternberg)
Subject: Gnome installation question...
Date: 25 Mar 2001 06:20:45 GMT

        I've looked, and I'm tired of looking.  Is there a way to just
get a list of all of the components of gnome 1.2 or (preferably) gnome
1.4rc1, with their sizes and CRCs, *in the order necessary to make all
of the dependencies succeed?*.  Such a document would be invaluable to
those of us trying to install it using source.


Elf M. Sternberg, rational romantic mystical cynical idealist

Fast food restaurants are like gay bathhouses in San Francisco, 
places where people go to engage in high-risk behaviors.
                - Greg Critser


From: Nick Traxler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: iptables under 2.4.2
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 02:43:35 -0500

Does anyone know a simple one or two command sequence to
iptables to turn on forwarding for everything?
Under 2.2.16, I just did:

ipchains -A forward -s 
-d -i eth0 -j MASQ

and everything magically forwarded. ICQ file send worked
through the masquerade, and I was happy. But I can't figure
out iptables, and I don't really have time right now to pore 
over the manpage or try to customize someone's long 
rc.firewall script.

Does anyone know this one?
Thanks in advance!
Nick Traxler
Computer Science, Purdue University

"The two most common things in the Universe are Hydrogen and Stupidity."


From: "Eric Dennis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.powerpc,
Subject: Re: restricted bash shell question
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 07:53:06 GMT

Create a symlink named rbash that points to bash (ln -s /bin/bash
/bin/rbash) and set /bin/rbash as the user's shell.  The user will then have
the proper path upon login.

"Dave" <dave@???.com> wrote in message
> I'm using LinuxPPC 2000; kernel 2.2.17; redhat-type file system, for
> those not familair with LPPC2k.
> I've set up a user account with a restricted shell.  I'm not sure I did
> it right, but I couldn't find any docs on how to invoke the shell, so I
> guessed.
> What I did was create a script with '/bin/bash -r' as the only line in
> the script.  I then set the script as the users shell.  It works in the
> sense that when that account is logged in, the shell commands are
> restriced (no cd, no / in commands, etc).  The problem is I only want
> this account to have access to a handful of commands.  I've created a
> ~/bin directory and placed the commands I want this user to have access
> to in there.  I then set $HOME/bin as the only thing for PATH in
> ~/.bash_profile.
> The problem is when I echo $PATH in this user account it comes up with:
> /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
> When I echo $HOME it shows the correct home directory.
> I've already gone through /etc/bashrc and /etc/profile to eliminate
> anything that would point to these directories, but to no avail.  I
> also can't figure out why ~/bin is not there.
> I'm wondering if my method to invoke the shell is causing this problem
> (although I can't figure out how), or if there is just something about
> the -r switch that creates an inability to limit $PATH.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Many thanks in advance!


Reply-To: "The R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Newbie Question about GUI
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 08:45:23 GMT

I've just completed an installation of RedHat Linux 7.0 but when the system
finishes booting up I'm taken to the command prompt to log into the system,
after which I can only use the few commands that I know.

I would like to run a GUI so that I can interact with the command screen
through a terminal window..

How do I start the GUI ?

Any help would greatly be appreciated...


Subject: Re: X die suddenly...
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 08:47:29 GMT

Check $HOME/.xsession-errors to see why X is failing on you.

Alex Chan wrote:

> Hi,
> I am sorry to trouble you guys but my LM 7.2 drives me to the wall again...
> When I start my computer, X window didn't start as usual.  So I type
> startX after login.  The tty7 became nothing, X server failed.  Thus
> I reboot my computer in tty1 as root and look at the start up message
> very carefully, I found nothing special, everything returns a [OK]
> including the 'start X font server'.  But still I can't start the X.
> Thus, I log in as root and run the X config tool 'drakxconf'.  When
> I try to configure XFree86 4.0.1, it exit immediately without prompting
> or warning.  Then I try to configure 3.6.6.  After I configure everything,
> I reboot the computer and try to startX again.  No supprise, it fails.
> the error message listed here:
> -------------------------
> The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> > Error:                bad length in Symbole
> >                       Output file "/var/tmp/server-0.xkm" removed
> Error from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
> Couldn't load XKB ceymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap
> _FontTransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't commect: errno=111
> failed to set default font path 'unix/:-1'
> Fatal server error:
> could not open default font 'fixed'
> When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send
> the full server output, not just the last messages.
> X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown.)
> -------------------------
> Although it ask me to send whole message, I don't know where can I get
> it, I looked into the /var/log directory, I can't find this file.
> after then, I halt it as root and the line "shutdown X Font server" and
> "shutdown xinetd" would return "fail".  Nothing else is extraordinary.
> My mandrake 7.2 has been up and used everyday.  It works very well until
> yesterday,  I don't know why it suddenly has this problem.  Does anyone
> can help?  Did I do anything wrong to it?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.powerpc
Subject: Re: Palm handheld as Linux terminal
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 08:50:39 GMT

$ man lilo.conf # look at the serial option for lilo.

              enables control from a serial line. The specified serial port is
              tialized and the boot loader is accepting input from it and from
              PC's  keyboard.  Sending  a  break  on the serial line
corresponds to
              pressing a shift key on the console in order to get the boot
              attention.   All  boot  images  should  be  password-protected if
              serial access is less secure than access to the console, e.g. if
              line  is connected to a modem. The parameter string has the


              <port>:  the number of the serial port, zero-based. 0
corresponds  to
              COM1  alias /dev/ttyS0, etc. All four ports can be used (if

              <bps>:  the baud rate of the serial port. The  following  baud
              are  supported:  110,  150,  300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600
              Default is 2400 bps.

              <parity>:  the parity used  on  the  serial  line.  The  boot
              ignores  input parity and strips the 8th bit. The following
(upper or
              lower case) characters are used to describe the parity:   n
for  no
              parity,  e for even parity and  o  for odd parity.

              <bits>:   the  number  of  bits in a character. Only 7 and 8 bits
              supported. Default is 8 if parity is "none", 7 if parity is
"even" or

              If  `serial'  is set, the value of `delay' is automatically
raised to

              Example: serial=0,2400n8 initializes COM1 with  the  default

Rick wrote:

> Michael Perry wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 08:56:16 -0500, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >Is it possible to use a Palm handheld as a terminal on a Linux
> > >machine?
> > >
> > >If so, how might I do this? I want to be able to log into my desktop and
> > >kill X when netscape or something else locks up X.
> > >
> > >Any and all help appreciated.
> > >
> > >--
> > >Rick
> >
> > You could hook the palm up to a serial port and do a ppp session to your
> > linux desktop.  You just need to write a ppp script and then execute it at
> > some given time.  You can find terminal programs which do telnet type sutt
> > also for the palm.
> >
> > If you search on google for this, there are some sites which give the
> > methods to get this done.  I've done it with both a pocketpc and a palm.
> >
> > --
> > Michael Perry
> > -------------------
> Thanks. I'll take a look.
> --
> Rick


Subject: Re: Newbie Question about GUI
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 09:03:28 GMT

On Sun, 25 Mar 2001 08:45:23 GMT, The R wrote:
>I've just completed an installation of RedHat Linux 7.0 but when the system
>finishes booting up I'm taken to the command prompt to log into the system,
>after which I can only use the few commands that I know.
>I would like to run a GUI so that I can interact with the command screen
>through a terminal window..
>How do I start the GUI ?


From: Leonard Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.sys.tandy,comp.os.linux.powerpc
Subject: Re: Tandy Model 100 as linux terminal
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 01:11:23 -0800

Rick wrote:
> Is it possible to use a Tandy model 100 as a terminal on a Linux
> machine?
> If so, how might I do this? I want to be able to log into my desktop and
> kill X when netscape or something else locks up X.

Sure, there are several Model100 termcap definitions floating around.
Email me and I'll send you one.

Leonard Erickson (aka shadow{G})
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]        <--preferred
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     <--last resort


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,,comp.os.linux.questions
From: fred smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: programs mysteriously segfaulting and exiting
Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 23:28:32 GMT

In comp.os.linux.admin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: hi

Sounds like a hardware problem. Areas to check are:
-possibly defective RAM. get memtest86 (from follow the instructions to make
 a bootable disk, boot it and let it run (at least) overnight.
-CPU overheating. Check all the fans in your computer case, including the
 one in the power supply to make sure they are working well (not stopped,
 not just lazily moving, but running properly). Check for vents clogged
 with dirt. Check the fan on your CPU's heat sink, they often are cheap,
 get clogged with dirt, fail to work. The heat sink may be covered
 with dirt. Perhaps there is no "heatsink compound" between the heatsink
 and the CPU.
-If you're overclocking the CPU, the FSB, the video card, or any other
 component, cut back to within specs.
-If all else fails, try just replacing parts til it works. :*(

: recently, some of my X processes "sometimes" just segfault on startup,
: or they startup, but dont appear on screen. I know they're running by
: checking the ps listing.

: This happens mostly with netscape and emacs. The strange thing is that
: sometimes they work, then i start having these problems again, and later
: they work just fine. when emacs crashes, it reports that it caught
: signal 11. but nescape and the other programs dont report anything. they
: just dont work. at the moment, gnome's panel refuses to start.

: there haven't been any errors showing up in the logs

: anyone know what's going on??? cos i sure dont.

: thanks
: ali

---- Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------------------
                      The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, 
                    keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
============================= Proverbs 15:3 (niv) =============================


From: Daniel Hertrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ESS1888 sound chip plays sounds half the speed (*dh)
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 10:47:19 +0200


I have a problem with my HP Omnibook 800CT running SuSE Linux 7.0:

Every sound I play via /dev/dsp is played half the speed it should be

I use the OSS sound blaster module (which is recommended for my
SuSE 7.0 with kernel 2.2.18 (2.2.16 also tried - same result), Pentium
133, 24MB RAM, sound chip ESS1888.

Does anyone of you have an idea how to solve this problem?

Thanks a lot
daniel hertrich



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