Linux-Misc Digest #556, Volume #27                Sun, 8 Apr 01 15:13:02 EDT

  Gnome/Gtk Locale(?) Messed Up (Colin Pinkney)
  Re: Keep fetchmail running as daemon for certain user (Sean)
  Re: SuSE Installation: found no usable partition (andi)
  How copy/backup entire drive to another drive? (Andre - remove "no spam")
  Re: KDE 2.1 or Gnome 1.4? ("controller")
  Re: KDE 2.1 or Gnome 1.4? ("controller")
  Slackware games windows bigger than desktop (Bill Lucas)
  Re: Disk thrashing and other issues (new post, much more information) ("JNJ")


From: Colin Pinkney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Gnome/Gtk Locale(?) Messed Up
Date: 8 Apr 2001 18:01:01 GMT

I think I have messed up my Gnome/Gtk locale settings or configuration
while upgrading some libraries as all Gtk-based apps on my system are
missing text from most places like menus, buttons, message boxes, etc.
Though Keyboard shortcuts still show on the menus. But it may be
something else. None of the apps give any error messages.

I upgraded my system to glib 2.2.2 and the text in all Gtk apps simply
vanished. They were working fine before (silly me).

Anyone know how to fix this? I just so happened to have a complete set
of gnome and gtk RPMs sitting in a directory and so tried reinstalling
them all, but that didn't fix it.

Thanks in advance.



Subject: Re: Keep fetchmail running as daemon for certain user
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 19:15:35 +0100

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I had this problem, but now am finding that fetchmail runs okay if I run
it as a daemon from init.

create your rc file in /etc/fetchmailrc and put the included file in

You can then start it using /etc/rc.d/init.d/fetchmail start
and I am sure you can work out how to stop it!


Warren Bell wrote:
> I have an account on my machine running Mandrake 7.2 that checks my pop
> mail accounts with fetchmail.  I run it as a daemon from ip-up.local so
> whenever my connection comes up it starts.  Here's the line:
> su -c 'fetchmail -d 300 --syslog' popmail
> I have a DSL connection that I keep up all the time.  Every so often the
> fetchmail daemon for this account dies.  I don't know if it's from
> errors in fetching the mail or what.  Is there a better way I can start
> a fetchmail daemon for this account that will keep it up more
> dependably?  I don't know if errors in fetching mail cause it to kill
> the daemon but is there a way to force it to stay running?  This doesn't
> happen all the time but I'd like to keep it running so I don't have to
> worry about it.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

# chkconfig:    345 91 35
# description:  Starts and stops the fetchmail daemon used to retrive mail \
#               via various protocols (such as POP3 and IMAP4).
# config:       /etc/fetchmailrc

# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

# Source networking configuration.
. /etc/sysconfig/network

# Check that networking is up.
[ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit 0

# Check that fetchmailrc exists.
[ -s /etc/fetchmailrc ] || exit 0


# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
        if [ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/fetchmail ]; then
                echo -n "Starting Fechmail services: "
                daemon fetchmail -d 60 -f /etc/fetchmailrc      

                [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/fetchmail
        if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/fetchmail ]; then
                echo -n "Shutting Fechmail services: "
                killproc fetchmail
                rm -f /var/lock/subsys/fetchmail >/dev/null 2>&1
        $0 stop
        $0 start
        if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/fetchmail ]; then
                echo -n "Reloading fetchmailrc file: "
                killproc fetchmail -HUP
        status fetchmail
        echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|status}"
        exit 1

exit $RETVAL



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (andi)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.suse,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: SuSE Installation: found no usable partition
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 18:25:16 GMT

The install usually hand-holds your way through most things - one
thing I would check though (because I've been caught out too LOL) is
that you are not only creating the partitions, but letting the
installation format them if it needs too.

Maybe newer versions of distros are more helpful but when I first
tried it I failed several times before I noticed I wasnt' formatting

May not help you, but I thought I might suggest it

On Sat, 07 Apr 2001 12:34:55 -0400, Shane Wilkinson

>Hello! I'm trying to install SuSE and am very excited but have run
>into trouble.. YaST gives me an error "Found no usable partition. Your
>data will NOT be saved to disk!"
>I know this has to do with fdisk, so I aborted installation and ran
>fdisk and made partitions:
>/dev/hda1 Linux(83) - 10 megs BOOT
>/dev/hda2 Linux swap(82) - 100 megs
>/dev/hda3  Linux(83) - the rest of the space... ~1.8gigs
>Even still, when I boot from CD, SuSE installs to a virtual RAM drive
>or something.. how can I get it to install onto the hard disk? If I
>need to copy the files to the hard disk, how does one do that after
>aborting installation and getting to a command line?
>many thanks in advance!


"A Single Open Mind,
  can open any door"

       Sonia Rutstein


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andre - remove "no spam")
Subject: How copy/backup entire drive to another drive?
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 16:23:01 GMT

Do you know the easiest way to copy the entire linux drive to another drive in 
a way that preserves system integrity: permissions, directory trees, etc?

I need a complete copy of my linux system so I can wipe out the partition and 
start over because of partition damage.  In windows I know I can do something 
like, "xcopy c:\*.* d:\backups /s" to accomplish this.  No idea how to do it 
in Linux.

I've tried using dump but I'm getting the commands wrong. Instead of copying 
the files I get that menu of operators/instructions.  I've also downloaded 
every linux backup program found on linuxberg but they want to back up to tape 
drives or make a mirror copy to a blank drive or have weird 
instructions/requirements that I do not meet. 

I've also tried cpio but it has a zillion command operators and I have no idea 
which one(s) to use to do a complete drive backup (and yes I already bought 
and read a Linux book [Que's "Using Linux"] but it seems outdated and very 
limited as far as backing up is concerned).

Can you help?




From: "controller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: KDE 2.1 or Gnome 1.4?
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 20:39:56 +0200


> >coming from a small windowmanager (icewm) i've now decided to get one of
> >'large' desktop environments as well.
> You could just get both and see which one you like better.
> I'm happy with KDE 2.1.1.  It is very polished, fast enough (although
> not as fast as blackbox), and the wife and kids use it happily.  It also
> comes with a pretty good web browser (Konqueror) and quite reasonable
> mail and news apps.

do you know by any chance which 'part' of KDE makes it slower? is it the K
window manager? currently I'm toying with the idea of installing windowmaker
and  adding the KDE panel to it....would that make sense in your opinion?


From: "controller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: KDE 2.1 or Gnome 1.4?
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 20:45:15 +0200

well, my machine is an athlon 800 with 192 MB RAM. I've thought about
installing windowmaker or sawfish and then adding either the gnome panel or
the K-panel. does that make sense? would it work?
I'm afraid that it wouldn't work that well - I can almost semll problems
like minimized windows being iconized (windowmaker-style) instead of going
to the panel...and of yourse there the problem with maximized windows
overlapping the panel...

what do you think?


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Lucas)
Subject: Slackware games windows bigger than desktop
Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2001 18:44:40 GMT


I just recently instlalled Slackware 7.1 and ran xf86config to setup
the Xserver. To the best of my ability. It took a couple of tries.

When I open a new program 'process' i.e. netscape the new window is
longer than the desktop? Netscape has the maxamize button which works

If I go to start up a _game_ in lets say kde, the bottom of the game
window is below the desktop. I am unable to resize the game window to
fit the screen with the mouse and the game doesn't have the "maxamize"
I have tried emulating the third button mouse and use the right button
to maxamize the game window, because that is what the help file
recommended. but to no avail.

If I can at least get the games user friendly the wife and kiddies
will use the linux box and hopefully get used to it so I can change
over all their pc's to linux and they won't even notice.

I have looked through the manual that came with the OS and read the
HOWTO about XFree86 and gone through the system.

I have tried gnome and kde and this happens in both. 


Subject: Re: Disk thrashing and other issues (new post, much more information)
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 14:58:09 -0400

> Oh, really?  Looks to me like there's about 64M available....  Your BIOS
> is reporting the memory size in a screwy way; boot with
>   LILO: linux mem=512M
> instead of what you normally type, and edit /etc/lilo.conf so that the
> line
>   append="mem=512M"
> is present above the first image= line, then rerun lilo.

Second message I've received on this -- will give that a try tonight.

> It's really odd that you didn't notice this using any of the system
> information tools, and even with "only" 64M, Netscape
> isn't such a bloated sack that it takes 10 minutes to do anything.

Like I said -- I'm new to Linux.  Give me a DOS/Win32 type box and I'll give
you boatloads of information, Linux on the other hand is a new world to
me -- different tools, different structure.

> There may be another problem--did you make a swap partition of any size
> at all?  You generally want one, even if you have a large amount of RAM,
> for various reasons.  It helps performance when the system can shuffle
> unused processes from RAM to swapspace, for one.  128M would probably do
> you just fine; either make a swap partition or do:
>   dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=128
>   sync && sync
>   mkswap /swapfile
>   swapon /swapfile
> and add /swapfile to your /etc/fstab .

I have a 128M swap partition.

> OK, what's up with that?  I wouldn't worry about that unless you have
> any USB devices you Can't Live Without, but upgrade your kernel from
> whatever RH shipped to 2.2.18 anyway...

Nah -- the only USB device I have hooked in is for my digital camera media

> And did you edit your MAC addr there, or does the module not recognize
> the rtl8139's MAC addr?

I edited it.

> >Apr  6 23:24:27 localhost modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> >char-major-145
> This is the device for a SAM-9407-based soundcard.  Are you sure this is
> what you really need?  The ac97 files in /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound/
> don't seem to mention this type of soundcard at all, and the ac97 is
> supposed to have the same interface as the cards that are supported by
> the kernel's OSS drivers.  You should search comp.os.linux.hardware for
> "AC97" and possibly your motherboard name; .

This is the interesting one on the hardware issues -- this is DEFINITELY an
AC97 setup.  The motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-7ZX1.  Someone else mentioned
I may need a later revision kernel to get this to function.




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