On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Simon Bridger wrote:

> Would it be possible to make an xdos session run fullscreen?
> - on a specific desktop (which we aren't using for anything else)
> - without borders, widgets etc. (since we are full screen we don't need any of
> that)

ctrl-alt-f1 to switch to a console, login, type
xinit /path/to/xdosemu -- :1
replace /path/to with where xdosemu (or xdos) really is.

Match the resolution of the X server with the xdosemu box (use ctrl-alt-+
and ctrl-alt--, edit XF86Config, whatever).

Now dosemu is running in X session :1 which is normally reached by

> - with the xwindows mouse disabled/hidden (since autotrax is doing all its own
> mouse display)

Use Ctrl-Alt-Home to have the mouse trapped (and again to de-trap it).
$_X_mgrab_key = "Home"
in dosemu.conf if ctrl-alt-home didn't work.

> Assuming the mouse problem is solvable, is there a way to rewrite the autotrax
> driver to make it faster when using the xdos screen?

The way xdos works is to update the contents of the video buffer (dirty
pages) periodically. So a video driver would play nice with DOSEMU if
it updates the video buffer in chunks localized in pages (4k in size),
rather than scatter stuff around more or less randomly. It will also help
to have the X server running at the same bpp as autotrax expects.
8bpp would be quickest.
xinit /path/to/xdosemu -- :1 -depth 8
There are various options in dosemu.conf you can play with, too.


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