Thanks Bart, 
the xinit .... gets it up on its own terminal nicely.

Does xdos accept vesa mode 0x140 (1400x1050)?
I can't get seem to get this mode going. (or any mode greater than 1024x768)
I tried increasing the xframebuffer size from 2048K, but that had no effect. 
Does the x_framebuffer size affect speed at all? (ie having it unnecesarily 

> Use Ctrl-Alt-Home to have the mouse trapped (and again to de-trap it).
> Set
> $_X_mgrab_key = "Home"
> in dosemu.conf if ctrl-alt-home didn't work.
I haven't been able to get it to trap the mouse at all.
dosemu.conf does contain the line  $_X_mgrab_key = "Home"
I am using a laptop, does this affect the key mapping?
Can I just force mouse trapping when I start, rather than by using the 

> The way xdos works is to update the contents of the video buffer (dirty
> pages) periodically. So a video driver would play nice with DOSEMU if
> it updates the video buffer in chunks localized in pages (4k in size),

It currently writes in 32k windows of course, and the drivers try to minimise 
page changes. This could be changed to 32 blocks perhaps.
Perhaps the autotrax driver should be changed to explicitly tell dosemu when a 
page should be updated?

> There are various options in dosemu.conf you can play with, too.
I'm game

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