On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Simon Bridger wrote:

> Does xdos accept vesa mode 0x140 (1400x1050)?

$_X_vesamode = "1400,1050"
not sure which mode number it will be but that can be figured out.

> I can't get seem to get this mode going. (or any mode greater than 1024x768)
> I tried increasing the xframebuffer size from 2048K, but that had no effect.
> Does the x_framebuffer size affect speed at all? (ie having it unnecesarily
> big)

maybe. I'm not sure.

> I haven't been able to get it to trap the mouse at all.
> dosemu.conf does contain the line  $_X_mgrab_key = "Home"
> I am using a laptop, does this affect the key mapping?
> Can I just force mouse trapping when I start, rather than by using the
> keyboard?

try to run xdos -D+X -O and see what it says about mouse grabbing.

> It currently writes in 32k windows of course, and the drivers try to minimise
> page changes. This could be changed to 32 blocks perhaps.
> Perhaps the autotrax driver should be changed to explicitly tell dosemu when a
> page should be updated?

It cannot. A page is dirty or not, 386+ hardware can take care of that. It
is just that the update function updates the xdos window n times per
second and takes only dirty pages into account.


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