mpg123, a command-line mp3 player, can be run given a list of files to
play. That's the closest I can think of to a playlist (what I assume
you mean by a "que") capability in a CLI player. I didn't check, but
the similar program mpg321 probably has the same capability.
Thanks, I will check into this.
Yeah, or mutt or mush. I imagine pine is still around too. e-mail is
easy for a CLI to handle.
I'm also just now checking into mutt, which is a prog I had forgotten
about. I used pine years ago when I was in high school.
I'm seeing some references that indicate that links2 (a grapgical
version of links) can run using svgalib, but the Debian binary seems
to be compiled to use X libraries, so you may need to compile your own
version. Take a look at the links upstream site -- --
for the details.
The links I was refering to is links2, but I will look into using svgalib.
The suggestion that you use X with a lightweight WM, which others have
already made, really is good advice, probably much less work than
diving down any of these rabbit holes. My own favorite in this respect
is blackbox, though I think there are several others, such as your own
example of fluxbox, that are also pretty good. With blackbox, I've run
X on systems that have only 32 MB of RAM, with room to spare ...
though some of the apps you are interested in themselves are too
heavyweight for that.
I do have to ask you why using X is good advice (not to say your wrong),
my understanding, is that X is cobbled together adding code ontop of
code, to the point where it is barely readable. Aside from the bloat
(of which I was primarily writing of kde and gnome), I also have some
minor display problems with X. I have tried my monitor manufacturers
range of vertical and horizonatal syncs, but notice a flicker. I have
also tried tried the exact values my monitor tells me I have when I am
in Windowz XP (which is still on the system as backup, even though I
have abandoned it), and it doesn't flicker, but I see some kindof funky
lines, almost like my display is being slightly folded in on the top and
bottom. This could also have to do with the generic radeon driver I'm
running. I suppose I shall try installing the Ati drivers for X.
Gentoo's source-based approach may make adding packages more trouble
than, say, Debian or Fedora or Knoppix users have, but surely you're
used to that aspect of Gentoo by now.
I personally have never had problems adding packages to Gentoo, aside
from the long compilation process, but this is always the case when
compiling sourcecode. I tried Debian once, but it would not recognize
my usb keyboard and mouse to install. I have never run Fedora, though I
did run Red Hat (I think 7.2) for a day, and quickly switched to
Mandrake which I found much better. I have also not tried Knoppix, but
thought it only to be like a LiveCD distro for recovery and the like.
What I like about Gentoo are the USE variabls I can choose before
compiling, without having to alter make files for each package. I have
heard that there is a similar deal to Gentoo's portage in Slackware, but
I have not tried it either.
And the basic response you already received is also right ... apps
familiar to us as X-based use shared libraries specific to X. They
cannot write to a "raw" framebuffer.
To this I have to ask why? I know for a fact that I am not the only
person who has expressed this concern. Where is the next generation X
server? Don't tell me Xorg, cause that is what I'm running, and it aint
that different (not to sound to condescending).
I do however thank you for the help. I will be continuing to research this.
Jeremy Abbott
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