On Wed, 6 Apr 2005, James Miller wrote:

range) or to disable ttyS1 (COM 2 as the BIOS sees it, I believe) and see if that relieves any potential IRQ 3 conflict.

I tried disabling COM 2 in the BIOS (set it to "off" there). When I look at dmesg output, it does, indeed, appear to be off and is not getting assigned an IRQ by Linux. I see in dmesg output only ttyS0, assigned IRQ 4. So it seems I have succeeded in freeing up IRQ 3 and resolving any potential conflict over it that might be contributing to sound issues. Nonetheless, the sound is of the same poor quality when I try to play files stored on the hard drive with mp3blaster. It is scratchy and I get pauses when some other computer activity occurs, just like before. I therefore presume that IRQ conflicts are not the operative problem here.

I see no io address associated with the sound module(s) in cat /proc/ioports output, so that could be part of my problem. I also do not see IRQ 5 associated with anything (or even listed) in cat /proc/interrupts output, though I've tried to associate the pas2 module with it by specifying sb_irq=5 (among other parameters) in /etc/modules. I don't see the device files Ray mentioned as being used by Soundblaster emulation (/dev/dsp1 or /dev/audio1) in the /dev directory, but I think those should be auto-created on boot if they are needed.

Further suggestions? A trip to Frys later today, perhaps?

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