At 12:31 PM 4/7/2005 -0500, James Miller wrote:
Anyway, I'll try what you've suggested. But one aspect needs some further comment and clarification, namely:

2. Create the device entries if they are not present. (I was a bit surprised that they are not present, but if they are not, you are wrong that they "should be auto-created on boot if they are needed" ... well, maybe not wrong about "should*, but should != are, and in fact they are not.) Use mknod to create them by hand. (BTW, is /dev/dsp or /dev/dsp0 present? If not, you may be using devfs, and that puts the devices somewhere different ... I forget where since I don't use it, but maybe /dev/sound/dsp1 and so on. If /dev/dsp is present, see if it is s symlink to something other than /dev/dsp0 ... this might help you track down dsp1.) The relevant values for creating dsp1 are major 14, minor 19 (man mknod will explain this). Also make sure the userid you are using for testing has permission to write to this device ... making its permissions match /dev/dsp will probably suffice.

I think we're on udev here, Ray. This system was just installed (couple of weeks ago) using a netinst image (testing) and immediately switched over to unstable. Things like devfs and udev evoke fits of dyslexia in me. Maybe I can overcome the miscombobulation somewhat in this discussion.

Upon further inspection, here's what I've found. First, /dev/dsp doesn't appear to be a symlink. Second, I have a sub directory under /dev called .udevdb, which is one of my indications that the system is using udev. Under /dev I have dsp and dspW. I also see audio there. No audio1 or dsp1--or dsp0 for that matter. Then, there is a sub directory called .static. Under .static there is also a sub directory dev, and under this one there is, in fact, a dsp, dsp1, dsp2, dsp3 and audio, audio1, audio2 and audio3. I didn't see these previously. I've just tried outputting sound to dsp1 and audio1 there using your ogg123 example, but received the same oss error I posted about last night.

So, given that udev seems to be in play here, and that dsp1 and audio1 exist on the system under /dev/.static/dev, how do you recommend I proceed? Is my test attempting to output that .ogg file to /dev/.static/dev/dsp1 and /dev/.static/dev/audio1 valid (other things being equal)?

Once I get some more feedback on this, I'll proceed with the further testing you suggest.

To get really good help here, you need to hear from someone who is using udev. I'm not ... I still use 2.4.x kernels on everything I run ... so I am not familiar with the details of this mechanism for making dynamic nodes. But I would guess that the devices you found in /dev/.static/dev are the ones of interest ... once you report the details on them that Iasked for in my prior message, I'll feel more confident of that belief.

At this point, my best suggestion is to follow the step-by-step procedure I described in my prior message, using /dev/.static/dev/dsp1 (or audio1) as the target device. Once I see the full report of the test, as I outlined it in my prior message, I (and others) should be able to indicate if there is an error of detail in your procedure or if the sound driver just does not work the way I think it does.

PS, -- In addition to what I asked for before, please include the EXACT output of both "ls -l /dev/dsp*" -AND- "ls -l /dev/.static/dev/dsp*".

PPS -- Part of my intent in outlining a test procedure was to get all the results in one place, all in the same message. So please do quote them when you do the test ... don't just say they were the same as before.

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