On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, INKEY$ wrote:

> I was wondering how to input the ASCII drawing characters (179 through 223) into a 
>vi or similar editor. (i only use command prompt due to space constraints) If anyone 
>has any info, please share.

In vim in insert mode, type cntrl-V.  Then the decimal number of the
character you want.  Actually this will work for everything from 0-255.
For numbers less than 100 type a '0' or '00' first, as needed.   I
don't have a vanilla vi to see if this is a vim enhancement.

Good Luck,

Gordon A. Gallup                          Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
University of Nebraska-Lincoln            Lincoln, NE 68588-0111
Voice: (402)472-1230                      FAX: (402)472-2879

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