On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, Abjin M Haneef wrote:

> Hi,
> I am haviving a video card "trident 975 3D" which the systen detected
when I
> gave "Trdent 8900/9000 (generic)" and my monitor have a maximun
resolution of
> 1280x1024. I tried edit my XF86Config but I couldn't find any virtual
> resolution above 1280x1024 under selection screen. Where ever I found
> "virtual screen" I gave a # above it, still my desk top is the same. My
> server is SVGA
> Thank you
AFAIK, there is no way for software to detect the capabilities of a
monitor, or even whether there is a monitor connected.  All it can do is
program the card for some setting and hope for the best.  The monitor
specifications that matter to X are HorizSync and VertRefresh.
Probably, 1280x1024 is using a horizontal sync the monitor can't do, so
it "shuts down" when you switch to that mode, but for all X knows, it is
working and you just want a lower resolution when you switch back, so it
gives you that lower resolution as a window into a 1280x1024 desktop.
One way to override this is to give it a Virtual specification (without
the #) for the resolution it is actually using, which might be 640x480,
or 800x600...  To get workable modelines for the higher resolutions, you
may have to adjust them to use a horiziontal sync the monitor is capable
of.  There is a little program at
tsx-11.mit.edu/pub/linux/ALPHA/vmode/vmode.c that I find useful for
making custom modelines.



> > >
> > > X with "startx -- -bpp 16" still it goes to a virtual screen and I
> > > to go around to find some thing. I am having a monitor of maximum
> > > resolution "1280x1024". When I tried to change the resolution by
> > > "ctrl+alt and +" my monitor just shuts down and after pressing
> > alt
> > >
> > > + a couple of time the monitor switches on to the previous virtual
> > > screen. If any one have a solution for this, please reply to
> > >
> > > Thank you
> > > Abjin
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
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