I have done some performance studies at work.  As everyone is doing we
are looking at the trend of 9GB -> 18GB -> 36GB -> 72GB -> xxxGB driven
by increased demand for data storage.  The measured trend is an overall
performance decrease.  My guess is that major drive manufacturers will
not be phasing out smaller capacity/higher performing drives any time
soon.  Rather offer a large capacity line for the data hungry, and a
fast performance line for the critical response oriented.

Jan Edler wrote:
> But there are some really good things to keep in mind:
>  - anything >10MB/s sustained is pretty darn good by recent standards.
>    It wasn't too long ago when you couldn't buy anything that fast,
>    at least not at PC prices.
>  - it's easy to predict drive performance over the next few years.
>    the big thing is increasing density.  The performance boost
>    is almost secondary, but follows as a direct result of increased density.
> Jan Edler
> NEC Research Institute

timothymoore    "Everything is permitted.  Nothing is forbidden."
bigfoot                                            WS Burroughs.

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