> > I'm sorry this is a bit off-topic, but large raid sets need big backups ;-)
> > My HP SureStore DAT24 stops after writing 12 GB of data to a DDS-3 tape. I 
> > suspect there must be something wrong with the compression. To verify this I 
> > need some additional information:
> How are you decicing that it is only 12GB?  If you are looking at the
> details of the specific tape and it shows 12GB used and 0GB free then
> things are working right. 

Here is the output of df -k:
Filesystem         1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/md0             5916736  811879  4798422     14%   /
/dev/md1             3106031   41673  2903712      1%   /var
/dev/sda1            83561123 11922926  67127549     15%   /data

To backup I use:
mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind
mf -f /dev/nst0 datcompression 2
dump 0uBf 96000000 /dev/nst0 /
dump 0uBf 96000000 /dev/nst0 /var
dump 0uBf 96000000 /dev/nst0 /data

The third dump stops at 97% with "end of tape". The sum of the used blocks of 
the filesystems is about 12 GB.


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