> > I got my quote for arkeia today, and it was 7 grand. No way on my budget.
> > Amanda looks good, but not being able to append to tapes killed it for me.
>       What do you mean by append? As I said on a post recently, I've

Can tonights nightly incremental backup be appended to the end of the same
tape that was used for last nights incremental. 

Yes, I realize that amanda, not me, controls whether a full/incremental is
done. The above was for readers who may not know how amanda works.

Not being able to append to the same tape means that if you want nightly
incrementals, you must change tapes daily. Fine, but with the desire to
also have some "historical" backups (we like 3 months), you end up needing
a MESS of tapes. 

Which for us is silly - sometimes our nightlys have only been a few
hundred megabytes, but that still wastes an entire multi-gigabyte tape.
(DLT 20/40 in my case).

Dump/restore is fine. For a few systems. But larger networks of systems
needing backup IMO require more organized? software. (Planned software?
Structured? Whatever - You can't count on humans for organization)

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