On Monday January 31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> It's bound to get brought up here, so we might as well do it now.
> The release certainly seems to indicate a feeling that the current s/w
> raid is lacking (I think most if not all of us would dsagree at least
> to a large extent), so perhaps the best question(s) are:
> 1) Is the MPL a problem given the kernel is (99.44%) GPL?
> 2) Do we have any tests to show where their code is faster and/or more
>    CPU efficient?
> 3) How painful would a transition to/from their interface be for
>    getting working browser interfacing (gives me the chills, but it may
>    help acceptance)
> 4) *gasp* s/w raid versions were already confusing :) Now it's worse :)
> 5) Anyone on linux-raid knowledgable about the code, used it, willing to
>    share experiences, etc?  Esp. anyone that's used it and 0.90 too :)
> James
> -- 
> Miscellaneous Engineer --- IBM Netfinity Performance Development

Maybe I missed something, but all I found on their download site is a
bunch of perl CGI scripts that turns your web browser into a GUI
interface to RAID 0.90.  The README said things like "this code is
buggy, insecure, and incomplete, but maybe it is useful too" (my


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