On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Thomas Waldmann wrote:

> Hi Glenn,
> > > is performance. We have yet to get s/w RAID to perform any faster than
> > > 25MB/s (according to Bonnie) in any configuration or RAID level.
> > 25MB/s ?
> > Ive personally gotten 37MB/s with 3 quantum ide drives in raid0 mode,
> > each drive on its own channel.
> Maybe he is rather talking about RAID5 (and maybe SCSI). I also was a bit
> surprised as throughput seems to be limited to 25MB/s on my system (I already
> posted a mail on this topic some months ago).
> I had tried 4 * IBM DDRS 9GB on 2 UW SCSI channels: 25MB/s RAID5 (dual
> celeron 500 system, bonnie block read and write).
> I also had tried / am trying 4 * IBM DNES 9GB UW on 2 UW channels: this also
> gives 25MB/s, same system (read and write).
Here my results with 6 * IBM DNES 9GB U2W (4K blocksize):

              -------Sequential Output-------- ---Sequential Input-- --Random--
              -Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---
5         768  6582 97.6 38862 61.6 17510 51.0  7497 96.3 41476 30.5 346.0  5.5
6         768  6575 97.4 39471 60.1 15493 44.2  7577 97.3 40808 33.3 371.9  6.3
7         768  6625 97.6 40965 59.9 14219 40.3  7592 97.7 42571 35.9 271.1  4.9
8         768  7121 99.8 72177 73.5 21740 49.5  7711 97.9 64926 45.6 265.8  3.8

5) Software Raid 5 on one Adaptec U2W (chunksize=64 stride=16) 2.2.14
6) Software Raid 5 on one Adaptec U2W (chunksize=32 stride=8) 2.2.14
7) Software Raid 5 on one Adaptec U2W (chunksize=8 stride=2) 2.2.14
8) Software Raid 0 on one Adaptec U2W (chunksize=4) 2.2.14

Have you used the stride option when creating the filesystem and what
blocksize are you using?

> The strange thing: measured individually, these DNES HDDs give about 50% more
> throughput than DDRS (bonnie), but RAID5 throughput doesn?t change
> significantly.
> I?m still trying to get why this is like that. Looking at the 2 UW channels
> with 2 * 40MB/s and at a single drive rate of about 15-18MB/s, there should be
> more throughput possible.
What board are you using and is the controller onboard?

> > I think you should be able to get better than 25MB/s without too much
> > problem.
> I?m using an AIC7895 dual UW SCSI controller, 2 drives on each channel.
> What could I do more to optimize throughput ?
Read the excellent howto from Jakob OEstergaard!



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