Neil Brown said:
(and Andy Poling said similar)

> Maybe I missed something, but all I found on their download site is a
> bunch of perl CGI scripts that turns your web browser into a GUI
> interface to RAID 0.90.  The README said things like "this code is
> buggy, insecure, and incomplete, but maybe it is useful too" (my
> paraphrase).

Then this story (my emphasis):
"This code includes significant functionality and *performance* upgrades
Linux RAID software, *plus* a user-friendly browser interface."

( slightly misleading, no? Damn cheek.

Illtud Daniel                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Uwch Ddadansoddwr Systemau                       Senior Systems Analyst
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru                  National Library of Wales
Yn siarad drosof fy hun, nid LlGC   -  Speaking personally, not for NLW

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