> I don't know much (at the moment about Linux Software RAID),
> but would like to hear people's experience.
> It's a RAID 5 solution that interests me running with
> a SMP kernel.
> As far as I can ascertain there are 2 RAID packages.
> LVM and the raidtools package and patches. Which is
> better, which is more stable?
LVM is not RAID.
I use kernel 2.2.13 SMP + RAID 0.90 19990824 + raidtools 19990824 since about
a year (well, also some alpha patch before 0824). No problems at all yet.
4 disks SCSI UW, Adaptec AIC7895 onboard a GA6BXDS mainboard.
I also have it running at some customers, also no problems (RAID1, RAID5,
Adaptec 78xx and Symbios 53c875 controllers, all SCSI).
One of them had a disk failure. RAID worked like one likes to expect. No