On Thu, Sep 03, 2015 at 05:47:58AM -0700, Ivan Kozic wrote:
> Quick status update:
> Ok, so code and scripts and tools are a mess... Complete mess, there are 3x 
> bootfs folders and some builds go to one, some to the other. Some don't go 
> where they're supposed to go at all, and pack scripts don't seem to be 
> aware of anything. So let's start. Your best bet is actually 
> A20_SDK_20130319.tar.gz 
> <http://dl.linux-sunxi.org/SDK/A20/A20_SDK_20130319.tar.gz>. Don't ask me 
> why - I found it to be the friendliest to build (even though it ain't 
> friendly at all). It's missing some stuff, mainly the build toolchain which 
> should be under 
> */lichee/boot/config/gcc-linaro 
> <http://dl.linux-sunxi.org/SDK/A20/A20_SDK_20130319.tar.gz>*but this whole 
> directory is missing. Just take it from another SDK like I did, or make 
> some symlinks to what you have already. 
> <http://dl.linux-sunxi.org/SDK/A20/A20_SDK_20130319.tar.gz>
> >From this SDK, I'm using pack script found under */lichee/boot/pack/ *- 
> there's also one more at /lichee/tools/pack, but that one is a bit less 
> friendly as far as I remember. Due to various issues (dragon version, 
> missing rootfs links...), these scripts will fail building the image - but 
> I have almost made it work by making some very unorthodox mods :) Anyway, 
> I'll explain what I did once I'm finished and when it's all polished, but I 
> guess it's not a bad idea for everyone to download this SDK and get to know 
> it a bit before I make the official how-to. It's now very dirty with some 
> ugly absolute paths and really not useable.
> What's quite important about this is that Boot0/1, *.AXF files and configs 
> all need to be rebuilt and updated with whatever board config. The pristine 
> files coming with this SDK are not useable (original boot.axf binary is 
> booting to math_test(), as this was built from Boot1's BurnQC app which 
> doesn't really look like it's doing anything - don't really know what this 
> QC is used for...). Anyway boot.axf and sprite.axf both need to be rebuilt 
> from sources. I've also modified and rebuilt the drv_de driver, since I had 
> different GPIOs for LCD than the original file...
> If you're wondering what the heck I'm talking about - boot0 loads boot1 
> which loads its "application". There are several different applications 
> depending on where you're booting from, what do you want to do etc (not 
> really clear for me either). For normal NAND boot flow, boot1 will load 
> boot.axf (called also Boot_Android in sources) which will in turn load all 
> the drivers and start u-boot. If you're booting from PhoenixCard, it will 
> load sprite.axf (Card_Android in sources) and start with the firmware 
> update.
> So... maybe now everything is a bit clearer - I'll clear the scripts/code 
> and then post back, but it could take a while...
> Cheers!

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