On Wednesday 07 January 2009 10:18:20 Roger Searle wrote:
> Good morning, on a random basis, not too frequently, and unrelated to
> anything I can put my finger on, the title bars of all windows on my
> gnome desktop (ubuntu 8.10) are missing.  This will happen on logging
> in, I can't say if logging out and back in, or restarting X prior to
> logging back in fixes it, since each time it happens (iirc) and I log
> out to try, I get an unresponsive system that has to be power cycled, as
> did happen today.
> It's somewhat annoying, and am wondering if anyone has experienced this
> and know of the cure.  Compiz is running, I've not located a setting
> that seems to have an impact on this and will rectify.  Perhaps it's
> just a little buggy and is as good as it gets for now . . .
> Cheers,
> Roger

It would be interesting to know if this happens if Compiz is turned off.
I have had similar issues with the Kwin stuff.

Also what is the version of X, the video card and its driver that your are 

It _may_ be relevant that there were some X related updates released today.
Have you installed them? ( you'll have to log out of your account and re-start 
X for them to have an effect. )
With Sincerity,
Christopher Sawtell

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