I wouldn't sign that as it is worded so poorly as to be meaningless.

There is no "Copyright Amendment Act" it is the "Copyright (New
Technologies) Amendment Act 2008".

Section 92 of the Copyright (New Technologies) Amendment Act 2008 does
not do what is alleged. Section 53 possibly does.

I agree the law has potential unfairness but a petition should itself
be accurate about what it is opposed to.

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Daniel Hill <daniel.h...@orcon.net.nz> wrote:
> This is off topic but will affect anyone with an internet connection
> Please Sign the petition if you agree this is unfair
> "The proposed Section 92 of the Copyright Amendment Act assumes /Guilt
> Upon Accusation/ and forces the termination of internet connections and
> websites without evidence, without a fair trial, and without punishment
> for any false accusations of copyright infringement. We should speak out
> against injustices like /Guilt Upon Accusation/ being done in the name
> of artists and protecting creativity."
> More info => http://creativefreedom.org.nz/s92.html

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