On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 5:37 PM, Nick Rout <nick.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wouldn't sign that as it is worded so poorly as to be meaningless.

The petition text is short - it says:
"I don't want Guilt Upon Accusation laws that will force the
termination of internet connections and websites without evidence, and
without a fair trial."

Which part of this is not accurate?

> There is no "Copyright Amendment Act" it is the "Copyright (New
> Technologies) Amendment Act 2008".

meh. splitting hares.

> Section 92 of the Copyright (New Technologies) Amendment Act 2008 does
> not do what is alleged. Section 53 possibly does.

The commerce commission disagrees with you Nick.

So does the Telecommunications Carriers Forum,  InternetNZ, ISP
Association of New Zealand (ISPANZ), Telecommunications Users Asccociation of 
New Zealand (TUANZ), The New Zealand Computer Society, Women in Technology 
New Zealand, New Zealand Open Source Society... and a heap more.

The sum of the new copyright act is ISPs are required to disconnect you
apon repeated accusation of copyright infringement. Due process is

Judith Tizard (assoc. minister of commerce at the time) put out a
press release saying section 92a doesn't do what is alleged -- but she 
retracted this press release.

She was also interviewed saying it was better to disconnect people who
*might* be breaking the law. Better to punish the innocent than to let
the guilty go free.

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