On Thu, 21 Mar 2002 21:05:05 -0800 Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote:> I'm always trying new stuff, and Gentoo looks interesting. Any
> opinions here?

Just to be sure that you are referring to the gentoo linux distribution?
 The gentoo folks also have a file manager named gentoo.

If its the linux distro you want, see my signature below and check the
archives for my occasional diatribes and rants in favor of gentoo,
including a couple of weeks back.

To recap, gentoo linux (at present) is an install-from-sources distro
(similar to but much more sophisticated than Linux From Scratch).  The
distro is maintained with portage (an advanced source package maintainer
tool similar to the ports system on FreeBSD).  Gentoo also differs from
your plain vanilla linux distro in the matter of init scripts which are
also similar to the system employed in FreeBSD.  Documentation and
installation are much improved these days, and the gentoo folks are
working towards a Version 1.0 release date of March 31.  At present, you
can choose from ext2, ext3, and Reiserfs for your filesystems.

I would recommend waiting for the Version 1.0, unless you just can't
wait, in which case by all means, go for it now.  You'll like what you

N.B. Depending on the speed of your PC, you're looking at a 2 day to 1
week install period to get everything compiled.  It took me about 3
days, and I have full gnome, kde, etc.  You will be happiest if you have
a high speed internet connection, since all sources are downloaded on
the fly from the authoratative ftp site for each.

In the future, gentoo will probably offer CD sets and binary
distributions, but that's still in the future.

Go to www.gentoo.org.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
Gentoo_rc6-15 2.4.17 - xfce + sylpheed + mozilla
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