Collins spewed electrons into the ether that assembled into:
> > opinions here?

gentoo rocks. got the guys at work installing it just this week.

> can choose from ext2, ext3, and Reiserfs for your filesystems.

there's only one correct choice in that list. can you guess it? :)

> N.B. Depending on the speed of your PC, you're looking at a 2 day to 1
> week install period to get everything compiled.  It took me about 3
> days, and I have full gnome, kde, etc.  You will be happiest if you have
> a high speed internet connection, since all sources are downloaded on
> the fly from the authoratative ftp site for each.

also, make sure you can rsync through your firewall. otherwise, you're 
screwed. I've been bringing laptops home every night this week just to run 
the rsync portion of the setup cause the firewall at work won't allow it. :(

> In the future, gentoo will probably offer CD sets and binary
> distributions, but that's still in the future.

worthless, IMNSHO. the current method is best. makes you learn what the fsck 
is going on with your setup. also optimizes it for your hardware (if I had a 
dollar for every time a new linux convert asked me why everything said 386 
when he/she has a Thunderbird or P3...)
Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
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