On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 23:41:41 -0300 (ART) Cidadão Dorense
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>  --- Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
escreveu: > On Thu,> > You will be
> > happiest if you have
> > a high speed internet connection, since all sources
> > are downloaded on
> > the fly from the authoratative ftp site for each.
> > 
> > In the future, gentoo will probably offer CD sets
> > and binary
> > distributions, but that's still in the future.
> Hi Collins.
> Do you know if with a great deal of patience is it
> possible to build a Gentoo system using dial-up
> connections? I wouldn´t matter if it download only a
> dozen of packages a day and compile those, but it
> would need to be able to continue on the next day from
> the point it stopped.

Yes.  After you get over the initial pain of downloading and burning the
iso image to install your initial system (BTW, the image is smaller than
most, since it only contains the bare essentials for creating a bootable
system), it's easy to do that.

1) perform "emerge rsync" ( this updates your portage tree with the
current descriptors for packages(ebuilds).  Not a big download.

2) setup a script that issues 'emerge --fetchonly dir/buildname'
commands to run overnight while you catch some z's.  Put in all the
package names you want to install next day.  Each package (...tar.gz)
will be downloaded to the /usr/portage/distfiles directory.  When you
issue 'emerge dir/buildname' the next day, portage will find the
downloaded source and get to work right away.

If you need any help, let me know.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
Gentoo_rc6-15 2.4.17 - xfce + sylpheed + mozilla
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