On June 4, 2002 01:59 am, Bob Raymond wrote:
> Ted Ozolins wrote:

> Oh, about XP being open to msn.com- did you by chance have any of that
> msmgs.exe (Windows Messenger, .NET, etc.) crap running?  That just may
> have something to do with it.
> Bob Raymond

I thought that I had turned all the "auto-update-notification" crap off. I do 
not use wintendo messenger nor any other coms under XP. The only reason there 
even was M$ on this system was for Protel 99 Se for work purposes. I've 
looked over Eagle and it will do everything I could posibly need in a circuit 
design software. I've notified the powers to be, that if they require that I 
continue to do extra work at home, they would have to aquire Eagle for my use 
at home. As for any mechanical drawings I can use just about any of the 2D 
GPL'd packages out there. 

It seems that I have the basic Gentoo installed (luv that ADSL) next step is 
to get the X stuff along with XFCE and continue on with the show. 

Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.

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