Scribbling feverishly on May 09, Jay Nugent managed to emit:
> Greetings,
> On Thu, 9 May 2002, dep wrote:
> > 
>    Gee... $15 Million in revenue is a "Bad Thing"(tm)???  Not the $18
> Million they expected.  What sort of P/E does the $15 mil represent?  I
> would have to say that is GOOD news in light of the number of Linux
> distributions that tanked in the last 12 months.

Except that they didn't earn that revenue on Linux. They earned it from
ongoing license revenue from OpenServer, a product that will eventually
go away and that is no longer being developed.
>    And I'm not at all suprised to hear they are cutting costs and letting
> go their Chief Technology officer.  They are long overdue to perform a bit
> of 'restructuring'...

Bzzt! Thanks for playing. They've been "restructuring" since 5 months
after they went public. The CTO was not the problem, IMNSHO. The CEO is
the problem. Or, to paraphrase Bubba, "It's the CEO, stupid!" (Or, "It's
the stupid CEO!").

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