On May 10 Gerry & Dep were heard saying:


->full results.  However, the essential part I think you missed was that
->they had a LOSS of $0.23/share or $0.28/share..I forget which.
->What it means is that they spent more than they made ie. had a negative
->profit (a loss) and when the loss was divided by the number of shares that
->have been issued it gave the above result.  In other words, Caldera and the


->>it involves selling your product for more than it cost you. if you 
->>fall short in this area consistently, you are either a failure or a 


->>you don't see what they spent. what you do see, though, is that they 
->>underestimated the amount of business they were going to do -- 
->>guessed incorrectly as to their market. this is bad, because it 
->>suggests that they do not know what they are doing. they explain it 

*** Thanks Gerry & Dep for the crash course! I got the context wrong by
not understanding what the share value drop really ment.

If you find me, please return me to my $HOME: my address is 'cd'.

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