Scribbling feverishly on May 09, Gerry Doris managed to emit:
> The key is that they lost $0.28/share and they lost more than they
> predicted just 3 months ago.  To shareholders that indicates they don't
> have control of their company.  Many companies have been punished severely
> in the market by missing their projections by just $0.01!!!
> I didn't read the full context but if they predicted they would make $18M
> and they only made $15 then they were off their own projections by 16.7%
> in 3 months...there's no way to make that good news.
> The problem is that they need to demonstrate to shareholders that they are
> taking measures to reduce the bleeding but laying off staff and closing
> down development centres becomes a road straight to oblivion for a
> technology company.

Indeed. Erlangen *used* to be where most of the OpenLinux development took
place. Oh, excuse me, that was when Caldera was a Linux company.

If little green men land in your back yard, hide any little green women
you've got in the house.
                -- Mike Harding, "The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac"
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