> On May 9 Net Llama! was heard saying:
> <snip>
> ->> *** On the other hand it is ridiculous the system works this way:
> ->> After all they ** made ** $15M!
> ->
> ->I think you missed the point.  They didn't 'make' anything.  The
> spent ->more than they took in.  THey 'lost' money.
> *** Having followed the thread I can see I did miss the point.
> I must admit I never really cared to understand how it worked... until
> today. If somebody feels like giving me a short HOWTO on capitalism
> ;-)...
> What I read and understood was that their forcast was $18M while they
> have "done" $15M and their share value went down. Maybe I missed it,
> but where do I see that they spent more than they earned?
> Just a warning: I am a straight ** 0 ** in this matter! :-)
> Cheers,
> Zoran.
> --

If you really want to get into the ugly details you should download their
full results.  However, the essential part I think you missed was that they
had a LOSS of $0.23/share or $0.28/share..I forget which.

What it means is that they spent more than they made ie. had a negative
profit (a loss) and when the loss was divided by the number of shares that
have been issued it gave the above result.  In other words, Caldera and the
analysts seemed to believe that they would sell around $18M in revenue but
they missed and only got $15M.

By the way, losing $$$ although never good is acceptable as long as there
is a plan to get back to profitability and the company is tracking to the
plan.  The key is that the market place absolutely does NOT like
surprises.  Not meeting the targets that everyone expects will most
certainly bring down your stock price...and that will cause the company's
management to change, layoffs, and eventually the company will go broke if
it isn't corrected.

On the other hand Cisco announced on Tuesday night that they had a great
quarter beating their projected results (I think everyone expected +
$0.02/share and they came in at around + $0.08/share.  Their stock price
soared on Wed and the entire market took off.  The Dow average went up 350
points...the largest gain in one day since 1994.  This was based on
speculation that we may have turned the corner on the recession and people
are starting to place orders for telecommunications equipment again.

"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne" Chaucer

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