Keith Antoine wrote:
> On Friday 24 May 2002 13:13, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
>>That's what's so frustrating about KDE and why I'm abandoing it.  Kmail is
>>an excellent mail program - handles mail lists well, handles multiple
>>accounts, good filtering - something others don't do.  Knode is a decent
>>newsreader.  However, KDE is an oinking pig.  It's a Window enviroment with
>>the emphasis on WINDOWS!  Windows has blue screens of death  - KDE just
>>decides to quit working and you have to remove all in /tmp, delete ~./kde2
>>(actually save it somewhere, then delete it) and put all your apps back in
>>it!  And like windows it does it at the most inopportune time.  I'll be
>>checking out xfce and Gnome.
> I have experienced non of the problems you talk about, however it maybe that 
> with the hardware setup I have; both disk and memory space; I might just 
> never see them beacuse of that fact.

Or its because you've never used anything else with which to compare it. 
  Install XFCE, and run it *once*, and i guarentee you'll notice how 
abhorant KDE is.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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