R. Quenett wrote:
> I'm genuinely curious how what has been discussed here so far would 
> differ significantly from http://www.linuxfromscratch.org and the
> alfs and blfs offshoots.

I think the immediately apparent difference would be the end product 
being a "complete" distribution vs. a "here's the tools, build it 
yourself" package. That is, if my take on the hamburger/house comparison 
listed on their page is an accurate description, *and* if that's the 
agreed upon, completed build we're contemplating.

> Anyway, the feature I need most is a genuine idiot proof (it'd have to be 
> good because I'd be using it myself:) way of knowing in detail what 
> mods occur when I install/change something and reverting with 
> certainty to the previous state.  For the latter, I've done partition 
> cloning/reversion also for some considerable time.  It's a good way 
> of climbing out of the pit but often doesn't help me much figuring 
> out how I got that far under a pile of something that deep that smells 
> _that_ bad.  And it only works if I revert the same partition that I 
> changed, fancy that.

Yes, a variety of choice is always good, none of us like having options 
hidden from us in an attempt to "idiot-proof" the OS. Maybe a list of 
diagnostics such as:
"Restore my system" and
"Diagnose what's broken"
and an installation list of:
"New user install",
"Let me try it", and
"I'm an expert"

Also, would it be a good idea to have a small, hidden partition 
containing enough config files to be able to restore from the install cd 
back to a last known good state?
Andrew Mathews
   7:30pm  up 21 days, 19:10,  7 users,  load average: 1.09, 1.09, 1.12
Maybe Computer Science should be in the College of Theology.
                -- R. S. Barton

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