On June 4, 2002 01:45 am, T. J. McCarthy wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 June 2002 4:04 am, Ted Ozolins wrote:
> > I finally have had it with M$ and all their crap.
> Welcome to the real world!
> Seriously, you must have a very forgiving and generous nature to have put
> up with it until now...... :-)
> Terence

Believe me, the references I've used for M$ can not be repeated here on this 
list. If I were a member of the catholic faith, I'm sure the church would 
have order me to climb the highest mountain and cite two billion 
"HAIL_MARRIES" and a couple of thousand "THOU_SHALL_NOT's" if they'd only 
heard some of it.:-)

The M$ guru's around here refer to me as an "ANTI_M$_TERRORIST". I really 
don't know why. I jokingly once told a computer novice who was enquiring how 
to get rid of a computer virus to use one of M$'s installed virii programs, 
fdisk. I guess they are not going to let me forget that<G>

Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.

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