Every step has gone off wouthout a hitch (once I figured out and Collins 
pointed out the change to make.conf) However, kdelibs-3.0.1 barfs during 
compile. At first it complains about the end of file at end of line (new line 
added) then I get
in file from libdecore_la.all_cpp.cpp:23:
kcharset.cpp:420:warning #warning FIXME?
after that the compile barfs. I have not as of yet looked at the offending 
code but, I guess I'll have to to get KDE compiled.

XFCE comes up nicely (this will be the default) but I do need some of the 
goodies that come with kde. I then tried gnome to see if it compile ok and it 
does. Onward I guess:-)
Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.

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