On Wed, 5 Jun 2002 19:02:41 +0100
Pam R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 05 June 2002 1:33 pm, James McDonald wrote:
> > On Wed, 5 Jun 2002 7:37, you wrote:
> > <snip>
> >
> > > Ok I will save that to a .sh script. However one thing you left out is
> > > that I have to remember to be in root and not sued in <grin>.
> >
> > </snip>
> >
> > Is this because your on caldera? Because I did mine while sued in and
> > now I am worried that I have messed up...
> Compiling qt3 on EW3.1? I have always done it with su, never as a real
> root, and don't have any problems.

su or real login has no effect at all in any fashion on your user
permissions. In fact, 'su -' is 'just like logging in'. Without the '-'
option to su, you miss the user's login scripts, but permissions ar the
same. root's login scripts don't change anything at all relative to
compiling. So, if there is a problem, look elsewhere. Did you compile qt in
one place and then move it? That is the main no no.

The main reason for compiling qt as root is so the libs will belong to other
that a normal user, improving security if the file permissions are right. I
don't know if qt leaves compiled libs in such a way that they cannot be
replaced by other than the lib's owners (e.g., read-only for EVERYONE).
Packages that have an install step usually do this. But qt just compiles and

In fact, you mentioned a possible messup. But, in fact, has anything gone

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