Foe the gentoo uses:

I have installed 1.4 rc1 from the stage1 tarball. It came to stage3 fine. I
have added it to an existing grub and all is working fine.

I have this simple question that I don't seem to see addressed in the Gentoo
docs or on the web site (probably because I don't recognize it when I see

When installing Gentoo, I did an 'emerge sync', which resulted in many new
entries in /usr/portage. When I did the 'emerge system' (and had a good
night sleep) many things were built. But not everything in /usr/portage.
OK. stage3 is a usable system. But should I have expected vi? Or do you only
get nano at this point? Where can I see a list of what was actually
installed by 'emerge system'? I see that I have many things left to install.

Also, in the /usr/portage/kde-base directory, there are ebulid files for
various versions of kde. I do not seem to be able to specify one. If I don't
specify the version, I get 3.0.4, But if I want 3.1, I tried:

        emerge kde-base/kde/kde-3.1

I get a response that all parts of the package are masked. Meaning? I tried
various versions of the command, including specifying the full path name of
the ebuild file. All give the same result.

(My wife keeps asking when she will be able to use the computer again. It is
a fast one, but compiling kde (which had lots of dependencies as it is the
first thing I am building) has taken 9 hours - and continues. The download
link is fast.)

| Roger Oberholtzer          |   E-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| OPQ Systems AB             |      WWW: |
| Erik Dahlbergsgatan 41-43  |    Phone: Int + 46 8   314223 |
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