Net Llama! wrote:
> Currently i'm about 4% done with CD1 (and i sit on an internet backbone,
> so this isn't a bandwith issue).  CD3 is at 8%, and CD2 just keeps dying
> after 2 or 3%.  *shrug*
> Apparently the UL folks never heard of something called a mirror.  Funny,
> Redhat has more mirrors than i can shake a stick at, yet this distro that
> is being contributed to by companies all over the globe can't seem to get
> that right?  *sigh*

For the first time in several years, I'm not going to try the latest and 
greatest from what was Caldera, now SCO Group, and their new playmates. 
They essentially shit on their customers, laughed in their faces about 
it, and said "We don't care what you think". Now when they want to 
dangle a morsel in front of us and expect me to come back. Guess what? 
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. I just wonder if 
Connectiva, SuSE, and Turbolinux considered that the would lose 
customers because they partnered with someone who publicly insulted 
their user base, and inasmuch told them to pack sand? AFAIC, Caldera dug 
their own grave and pulled three others in with them. Sorry.
Andrew Mathews
   2:05pm  up 20:18,  5 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.15, 0.12
Hitchcock's Staple Principle:
        The stapler runs out of staples only while you are trying to
        staple something.

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