Out of curiosity, I carefully read all of the propoganda on the UL 
website. What I got
out of it is that they are attempting to create a Linux standard within 
or 0out of the existing
Linux standard.  In other words, a way to ensure operability between 
various  Linux releases
within the  industry. Now, I know I am not telling anybody on this list 
anything that they did
not already know regarding what this consortium is doing regarding Linux 
standards. But,
there is other information that is located on the website that *is* food 
for thought:

1.) They invited RH to join knowing before the invitation was extended 
that RH would refuse.
2.) They speak of Linux "certification"
3.) Mention is given regarding provision of migration paths (Which in my 
opinion equal a
     break in hw or sw compatibility... In some shape or form. This is 
an incentive for sw and
     hw firms to join UL).

In short, they are trying to out RedHat the people RedHat. Just think: a 
bunch of Management Rocket
Doctors got together, had lunch, looked at each other and decided that 
they wanted to be RedHat. This
is asinine. The problem is that you cannot differentiate yourself from 
the competition while, at the same
time trying to emulate the competition.... It kinda like my nephew 
playing air guitar while
listening to Metallica  and at the same time wishing he could play the 
guitar "Just like that guy does in
Metallica".  So, in my mind, the question becomes: Does the current 
membership of the UL consortium
have a combined enduser base that is larger or as large as the RH 
enduser base? If so how much larger? If
they do not,  how many more endusers to they need to achieve equity with 
or exceed the RH enduser base?
My bet is that the combined enduser base of the membership does not 
achieve or exceed equity with the
RH enduser base.

Instinct tell me that this thing is gonna die an agonizing death of the 
worst sort: The kind that is an
embarrasement to an entire industry.




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