Jim Bonnet wrote:
>> Currently i'm about 4% done with CD1 (and i sit on an internet backbone,
>> so this isn't a bandwith issue).  CD3 is at 8%, and CD2 just keeps dying
>> after 2 or 3%.  *shrug*
>> Apparently the UL folks never heard of something called a mirror.  Funny,
>> Redhat has more mirrors than i can shake a stick at, yet this distro that
>> is being contributed to by companies all over the globe can't seem to get
>> that right?  *sigh*
> dont know if it will do any good but I have asked why we don't have a US 
> mirror and if SCO can host it..
> we shall see..

So you're saying that i'm the first person to suggest that you should 
have worldwide mirrors from a product that you wish to market globally? 
  Who's asleep at the wheel?

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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