On Sun, 20 Oct 2002 07:58:33 -0500
"David A. Bandel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Sun, 20 Oct 2002 07:56:28 +1000
> begin  Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

> Radical Muslims (in fact a large portion of the middle east) thinks you
> are weak if you don't show strength (force).  The Shah of Iran's ousting
> is proof.  Their culture is wildly different.

I have long suspected that the goal of radical muslims is to polarize all
religions; force the christians and jews to be on one side and all muslims,
even the non-radical to be on the other side.  Their goal is control and
power, the old siren song of the controllers.  Where they want to go once
in control is something to be seen.  Many have no long term goal beyond
the act of divide and control itself.


> them to.  History says otherwise.  Roosevelt and Churchill are not what
> sensible civilized folks want as role models, but unfortunately, their big
> stick methodologies brought results.  After 20 years military service I
> don't condone military action except where I see no alternative.  We
> reached that point years ago, only now out leaders are beginning to
> understand.

Pretty much true for most of us career types - despite the popular image of 
us as being nasty, non-thinking types who's response to challenge is to kill.
My convictions, for a long time have been to never start trouble - and to end
it, when started, with great conviction.
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