On 11/03/2002 06:52 PM, Bob Hemus wrote:
Bob Hemus wrote:

And you're actually using all of these modules (like the ipx for
example)??  What does the output from "lspci -v" look like, with respect
to the modem?  How are you attempting to 'find' the modem?

I just ran <lsmod> and that is what I got.  I'll try <lspci -v> to see
what I get.  When I went to the help button the KDE instructions said to
add  a line to the inetd.conf file.  When, in the past, I installed a
COL distribution, the installation process "found" or detected my modem and that's
when I set it up.  Not so with the 3.1.1.  It did do my printer,though.
OK, I've got a few minutes, again.

How are you attempting to 'find' the modem?
In the installation since COL 1.3 the installation detected the modem. In 3.1.1, the install goes right by finding or detecting the modem. I
do the 'Setup' for ksaferppp and under the modem I choose ttyS1 'cause
that's where the modem is and click on the button to 'find modem' and
shortly the little window or button comes 'Can't find modem'.
Is anything found on any serial ports in dmesg output?  Perhaps its ttyS0?

As for why all the modules are there, they just showed up in the
Well, yea, i know that. I was asking why you allowed them to continue to be loaded, unless you were actually using/needing all of them? Somehow i doubt you're doing anything with Novell IPX stuff.

If it might make any difference I only installed the 3.1.1 disk and the
3.1.1a disk.  We left the kids' house before I burned the applications
disk.  Would that make a difference?
I dunno, maybe.

[root@hemus root]# lspci -v
Nothing useful there. Did you say this was a PCI modem? Cause if so, it ain't detected at all on the PCI bus. Which means either the modem is dead, or you need to do some BIOS tweaking somewhere.

[root@hemus root]# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
serial                 43888   0  (autoclean)
isa-pnp                26256   0  (autoclean) [serial]
lp                      5344   0  (autoclean)
nfs                    70784   1  (autoclean)
lockd                  43488   1  (autoclean) [nfs]
sunrpc                 58656   1  (autoclean) [nfs lockd]
sr_mod                 12544   0
cdrom                  25440   0  [sr_mod]
ipx                    18512   0  (autoclean)
nls_iso8859-1           2848   1  (autoclean)
nls_cp437               4352   1  (autoclean)
vfat                    9072   1  (autoclean)
fat                    28608   0  (autoclean) [vf
usb-storage            41232   0  (unused)
parport_pc             17280   1
parport                22464   1  [lp parport_pc]
usb-uhci               21088   0  (unused)
usbcore                46272   1  [usb-storage us
es1370                 27472   0
gameport                1296   0  [es1370]
ide-scsi                7056   0
scsi_mod               82400   2  [sr_mod usb-sto
ide-floppy             10432   0
keybdev                 1664   0  (unused)
mousedev                3840   0  (unused)
input                   3104   0  [keybdev moused
sound                  52000   0  (unused)
soundcore               3376   6  [es1370 sound]
You really should audit this, and remove everything that your'e not using. You've sucking down a ton of memory on all these modules, unless of course you're using all of them.

In the eD2.4 I'm using the first 2 lines of lsmod are;
Module Size Used by
ppp 21452 2 (autoclean)
slhc 4472 1 (autoclean) [ppp] Should these be in the 3.1.1?
2.4.x kernels need to have the following loaded to do PPP dialup:
ppp_deflate            38976   0 (unused)
ppp_generic            15724   0 [bsd_comp ppp_deflate]
slhc                    4384   0 [ppp_generic]

L. Friedman                       	       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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