On 11/06/2002 07:03 PM, Bob Hemus wrote:
"Net Llama!" wrote:

On 11/03/2002 06:52 PM, Bob Hemus wrote:

Bob Hemus wrote:

And you're actually using all of these modules (like the ipx for
example)??  What does the output from "lspci -v" look like, with respect
to the modem?  How are you attempting to 'find' the modem?

All this for naught.  It's an IDE modem.  It's on ttyS1.  No drivers for
Perhaps you mean ISA modem?  There's no such thing as an IDE modem.

such an old modem?  Can I get 'em from my eD2.4 CD?  Or what?  OT..I am
It shouldn't need drivers unless its a winmodem.

making headway in the bedroom overhaul.  Started putting down an
Armstrong click together floor today.  Hope to finish tomorrow.
good luck.

L. Friedman                       	       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo: 		    http://netllama.ipfox.com

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