On Saturday 09 November 2002 05:19 pm, someone claiming to be Keith Antoine 
> On Saturday 09 November 2002 03:21 pm, Tim Wunder espoused:
> > BTW, How've you been Kantoine?
> I am doing fine except for my bloody lousy memory, grin. But I wish I could
> get this Suse to setup the broadband and logon, its fine otherwise. Its
> spring here and the temps have already hit the low 30's, bushfires taking
> homes down south (NSW), we also are experiencing the biggest drought in
> recorded history.

Fortunately, us on the East coast US  (mid-Atlantic) don't have a lot of brush 
for brushfires (too many f'ing people), but we're locked in a pretty good 
drought ourselves. We've gotten some rain recently, but it hasn't been 
enough. Fall is s'posed to be rainy anyway, so I'm not even sure if the rain 
we're getting is any more than we normally get. Might be less...
Our summer was *very* dry and our resevoirs are quite low. We were hoping for 
a nice tropical storm or two (or three) to make its way up here, but we 
didn't get much this season :-(.
Maybe we'll get snow this winter...

What problem are you having with connecting to broadband under Suse? And why 
not just plug one of them Linksys routers into the broadband? (gee, that was 
almost *on* topic ;-)  )


RedHat Psyche 8.0, stock kernel, Gnome 2.x, Xfree86 4.2.0
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