On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 22:20:14 -0500
Matthew Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Not a problem if the box has enough resources.  XCDroast doesn't require
> that you save the settings, does it?  So long as you have the resources,
> aren't you able to Burn-On-The-Fly?  That would alleviate the need for
> large RW HD space for an image.  If you HAVE to create an image, just
> remount the partition Read/Write ( # mount -o remount,rw /mnt/hda2 )
> I don't use XCDRoast any more, loving KreateCD and intrigued by K3b.

I use arson. Simple. Clean. Something for the masses. Something our users
can handle without a hassle.

What I would really like is a system that manages multi-cd store. There is
kbackup (I think it is called) but the format can only be read by kbackup.
We have made our own that lets the backup file be accessed direct from the
CD without additional software (e.g., from Windows). (Our backup
requirements are other than expected.) But it would be nice to find
something that is more flexible than our in-house stuff. Any pointers?

· Roger Oberholtzer          ·   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        ·
· OPQ Systems AB             ·      WWW: http://www.opq.se/  ·
· Erik Dahlbergsgatan 41-43  ·    Phone: Int + 46 8   314223 ·
· 115 34 Stockholm           ·   Mobile: Int + 46 733 621657 ·
· Sweden                     ·      Fax: Int + 46 8   302602 ·

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