On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 11:00:35AM -0400, Net Llama! wrote:
>On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
>> I'm not quite sure I follow the logic in the last sentence.  But I would tell
>How so?
>> Michael to learn SuSE.  It's a breath of fresh air over RH and MDK.  It
>> pleases even an old COL-er

Me too!

>That's not been my experience.  My use of SuSE has been nothing but
>frustration.  It looks like they hacked up the distro just enough to make
>it different & confusing.  But, have fun if you like it.

That's largely changed with SuSE 8.x.  No longer does it depend on a
monster, monolithic configuration file (e.g. you can manually edit
configuration files and they stay changed after running yast2).

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
UUCP:               camco!bill  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:            (206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676
URL: http://www.celestial.com/

``Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within
limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within
the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and
always so when it violates the rights of the individual.''
    -Thomas Jefferson
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