Actually, I switched about 18 (more or less) months ago, when COL was a definate
down the toilet distro.

Like others, I tried the 7.1 SuSe, ditched it quickly. Tried, again, 7.3, and learned to like
with its .... ahhh ,.. "unique" features , (Those DAMN Config files).

I Upgraded from 7.3 to 8.0, which if you do, still keeps those DAMN config files,
then tried the 8.0 to 8.1 upgrade, which BROKE so much, I did a "wipe and reload"
back to 8.0. After doing a FRESH install of 8.0, I found I could rather like the
"flavour" that SuSe now had - without the baggage the 7.3 upgrade brought along.

After (two weeks ago) teaching a week long Linux Admin class and using ManHate
9.1, I found, though, Manhate's NICE, easy, install scripts and GUI setup's, were not
enuff to redeem it from those "I AM SMARTER THAN YOU" attitiude. IT seems
changes on certain etc files, resulted in ManHate putting them back they way "IT"
liked them, simple changes never seemed to take regardless of what you did, and
even WORSE than SuSe 7.x series was, was all of those DAMN config files IT

Now, ManHate 9.1 DOES make a nice distro for those BRAIN dead Window Washers,
who install and run and never change things, but for someone who likes to tinker
"under thd hood", as it were, i began to LOATH it by the end of the week.

For me, I am sticking with my heavily modified SuSe 8.0, until the "2.6" based
distro's hit the shelf at the end of this year.

One can only hope that there might be a "distro" done right one day ,
such as a "BANDAL"  distro ;->

just my 2 cents ...

Keith Antoine wrote:

Not so AFAIAC its still a dog.

Ben Duncan   Phone (601)-355-2574     Fax (601)-355-2573   Cell (601)-946-1220
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