On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 18:03:58 +1000
Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have just had an answer to my exhortations to Zeus! A national PC
> mag which has for a while been putting in some linux software on its
> free cd's, included 'Ext2FS Anywhere 2,5'. It had some blurb about being
> able to see linux partitions and files from windows.

Thanks for the pointer! We use removable disks to do data transfer from our
mobile data collection systems. When they used FAT32, the disk transfer is
much slower than EXT2/3. But this tool may make it possible to resolve that.
Also, lots of small files waste disk space on FATxx.


> I thought that this was one of those windows hacks, but decided to give it
> a try. Lo and behold it managed to find and mount the partitions I wished 
> to see
> : i.e /home /backup /build etc. I can transfer files back and forth just
> as I can
> from a linux booted system.
> So I now have the ability to do backups from windows partitions to linux
> partitions. What I would like is reccomendations for a win backup program
> that can be automated and made to save to a particular destination.

To write a back up of the windows computer to the ext2, or to read a backup
from a Linux system on a windows box?

When we do a backup of the linux stuff, we have a script that makes a ZIP
file, naming the file with the current date and time (and placing a file in
the backup with that same name). Then, on the windows box, just unpack the
zips in order of file name.

To make similar backups on windows, I would install cygwin (painless
through a windows installer) and use basically the same script. I have not
done this. Our script relies on the find command and a timestamp. I do not
know how the file access times works on FAT16/32 (it is the file system more
than the OS that limits this). If you are interested, I could send you the
script I use. It is nothing fancy, but does lots of error detection to not
be fooled by an incomplete backup.

I have not seen any commercial software that is as lean as I would like that
runs on both OSs to deal with backups in both directions.

> Skippy
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